Uber will allow taxi drivers to register & offer rides (email)


Aug 22, 2013
I just got this email from Uber:

Subject: Uber Taxi: pronto, una nueva opción para moverte​
El día que lanzamos Uber para Argentina lo hicimos para darte a vos y a millones de personas una nueva opción de movilidad a través de la tecnología. Vos elegiste y nosotros queremos que lo sigas haciendo.​
A partir de hoy, los taxistas del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires van a poder registrarse en la aplicación y, muy pronto, empezar a ofrecer viajes de manera independiente a través de la app de Uber con Uber Taxi.​
Para nosotros lo importante es que puedas moverte y tengas siempre la posibilidad de elegir, con la tranquilidad de saber que la tecnología que te acompaña en todos nuestros productos es la misma y que contás con todas las medidas de seguridad: calificación mutua, cobertura de seguros, grabación de audio, verificación de tapabocas, y todo lo que ya valorás de Uber.​
Algo está claro en este contexto difícil: la tecnología tiene que servir para acercarnos, para construir y para avanzar.​
Muy pronto te estaremos contando más novedades sobre el lanzamiento de Uber Taxi.​
Work with taxis? Uber must be desperate.

I'm still pissed that EasyTaxi was mugged by Cabify who charge 3 times as much.
right now, BA taxis are a steal. No point in taking a Uber where the driver is totally dependent on GPS and will get lost 5 times before reaching destination and you will save 10-20 pesos.
right now, BA taxis are a steal. No point in taking a Uber where the driver is totally dependent on GPS and will get lost 5 times before reaching destination and you will save 10-20 pesos.

Going from CABA to outside CABA, like to San Fernando or San Isidro? Uber. Within CABA, taxi.
Do the Ubers have the plastic screens between the driver and passenger like the taxis have now?
right now, BA taxis are a steal. No point in taking a Uber where the driver is totally dependent on GPS and will get lost 5 times before reaching destination and you will save 10-20 pesos.
In terms of price, both Uber and taxis are so very cheap, I am ashamed at the cost.

However, yet again it seems posters here think CABA is just a group of barrios in the center. Get in a taxi and name any random street in Liniers, Versalles, Villa Real, Devoto, Villa Del Parque and a few others and watch as you near your destination as your driver becomes entierly befuddled and needs you to become the GPS. Sure, taxi drivers in and around the central barrios know their way around, but outside that they are an utter mess when it comes to knowing where to go. I value the fact the Uber driver has GPS because I will not have to give directions. In these outer barrios where I frequent, Uber is just so much better, not least because trying to find taxis on some quiet street in Versalles is not easy.
Uber has offered Uber Taxi in many markets for years, makes sense to offer more options for users, more revenue for Uber and get some taxi drivers on Uber's side.