Unpaid Teaching Opportunities at Universities?


Sep 20, 2018
Is this a thing in Argentina like it is in the US, with adjunct, non-tenure track professors teaching elective / practical courses?
All university teaching in Argentina is based on the Soviet system- we pretend to pay you, you pretend to work. I know a few full time professors at UBA and elsewhere, they make very very little. And I know lots of professionals who teach at multiple universities- Rosario, UBA, La Plata, De Tella, and more- and they do get paid, but again, very little.
They do not have "tenure" as we know it, in argentina.

In the USA today, fully 70% of all courses at colleges and universities are taught by non-tenure track adjunct professors.
This number is going up.
But they do get paid.
Even the grad students I know get, at the very least, discounts or free tuition in exchange for teaching at the university level in the USA.

I think "unpaid" doesnt exist much in either country, but aside from the steadily declining number of tenured professors in the USA, nobody in either country makes much money teaching.
Most of the argentine professors I know also have outside jobs, often full time, in addition to teaching at one or more universities.
For instance, I have a friend who runs a full time architecture practice, and teaches at UBA all year, and also teaches periodically at La Plata, or other schools. He is the norm, not the exception.

At UBA most of the teachers are unpaid but, however, competition for getting a place is hard and it takes years.
I will have to inquire more- but I am pretty certain that several people I know who teach at FADU (part of UBA) do get paid, but very little- I know someone who is a department head, and gets well under $1000 a month, and a couple more people who teach regularly there, and I think they get paid a little.
Professors do get paid once the Department Head decides they are ready to teach on their own (they usually practice as TAs before that). At first they are "profesores interinos" which is similar to adjuncts. Then, when there is an opening for a "concurso" (which involves professors presenting their resumes, and teaching a class in front of the committee), they can get a more stable paid position which is called a a "regular" teaching position (cargo docente regular). That is similar to a tenured position, but it does pay less than other jobs, depending on whether it is a "simple" teaching position (not a full time teaching position) or a full-time teaching position. Full-time teaching positions pay more, but there's not a lot of them available. Hope the info helps!
that makes sense. Most of the people I know are seasoned professionals, some of them teach full time and are very well known in their fields, none are TAs or interinos. One is a department chair, another an assistant department chair of some sort. Hence me thinking they get paid.