Upcoming European Union Elections

I would second Camberiu's recommendation, UKIP is the best hope for getting a libertarian type party in power. In this clip he criticizes President Hollande for trying to drag us into another war:

Of course, the statists on this forum will criticize UKIP for being racist in a desperate attempt to cling to their power and privileges.

Nigel Farage is no more racist than


and he deserves the same treatment.
See ... there is at least one thing we can agree upon.

Absolutely. If I was german, I would not want to subsidize the rest of Europe and if I was from the rest of Europe, I would not want German handouts. But hey, that is me.

If things don;t change, you know how this ends, right? It ends like it has always ended in Europe: War and you guys gassing one another out.

Nigel Farage is no more racist than


and he deserves the same treatment.
As I said the statists are desperate to keep the Welfare/Warfare state status quo, so they will attack UKIP on spurious grounds of racism. What possible connection is there between CLive Bundy and Neil Farage - of course none. It's a cynical distraction designed to keep people wedded to Big Government - an increasing authoritarian state that uses war to distract the masses from the looting being done by Big Government Cronies.
I would second Camberiu's recommendation, UKIP is the best hope for getting a libertarian type party in power. In this clip he criticizes President Hollande for trying to drag us into another war:

Of course, the statists on this forum will criticize UKIP for being racist in a desperate attempt to cling to their power and privileges.

UKIP are racist.
I don't call one of the few EU politicians who expressed concerns about "brown" civilians in Libya and Syria racist. It seems that it was the so called "progressive" politicians in Europe that were all happy about dropping bombs on Arabs and Africans for the benefit of Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Total.

Wasn't it the "cosmopolitan" Tony Blair who lied to get the UK into attacking Iraq?
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