Upcoming European Union Elections

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]You would vote for a racist moron? [/background]UKIP are racist.
Extremely cogent analysis :rolleyes:

This is an example of the dumbing-down of politics where everything has to fit on a bumper sticker.
As I said the statists are desperate to keep the Welfare/Warfare state status quo, so they will attack UKIP on spurious grounds of racism. What possible connection is there between CLive Bundy and Neil Farage - of course none. It's a cynical distraction designed to keep people wedded to a Big Government - increasing authoritarian state that uses war to distract the masses from the looting being done by Big Government Cronies.









and his policies are fucking terrible.
Ejcot, that is all propaganda. Let's talk about facts.

What was UKIP's position on the war in Iraq?
Was there a reason to invade Iraq?
How many Iraqis have died since then?

Who in the end is racist? Who in REALITY killed (and continues to kill) muslims under a false pretense?

Ejcot, Yes we know you want to keep your entitlements, your welfare state - what else?

As far as racism - being against open borders is not racist. We're not talking about immigration from Africa or Asia but rather other European regions whom are very close, if not the same racially. The argument is a complete sham - a pathetic distraction to keep people wedded to Big Government Authoritarianism - the warfare/welfare state that you love and those of us who work pay for.
Ejcot, that is all propaganda. Let's talk about facts.

What was UKIP's position on the war in Iraq?
Was there a reason to invade Iraq?
How many Iraqis have died since then?

Who in the end is racist? Who in REALITY killed (and continues to kill) muslims under a false pretense?

There are many other parties who had similar positions on Iraq who do not have ridiculous and racist policies.
There are many other parties who had similar positions on Iraq who do not have ridiculous racist policies.
Yes but those other parties are cronies and advocates of the Big Government Welfare Authoritarian state.

Some of us don't want big government dictating our every action and when they get into trouble starting a war somewhere as another distraction.

pretty much says it all.
Yesterday, I was watching the news where said Switzerland to vote for a minimum wage of US$25.00 an hour!

Also saw that France was the one with US$10.00 and the rest of G7's along the US$7~6 wish, the US with the lowest
minimum average wage of US$6.50 ish..

But the Swiss legislature lost 20 against 60 !
What a pity, I was planning to forego
the gran Argentina relocation living there for the Swiss-Land ! For US$25 an hour, I might even come out of my _retirement_ and grab a job there but Alas, even the avant garde Swiss did not opt for it !