Updating Your Old Dni To The New Dni


Jul 18, 2009
Hello Group,

We just returned from a trip to the USA and when Ron went through the passport check at EZE to go to Miami, they told him that the kind of DNI he has (the old brown booklet) was going to “expire” at the end of this year and that he needed to get the new updated DNI card. The agent I went through didn’t say anything about upgrading my DNI booklet.

Does anyone know where/how we do this? Is it a different process for a foreigner’s DNI then an Argentine citizen or national born?

Thanks in advance!

Pete & Ron
IMMO it requires a turno below is the link to request a turno for the new DNI. The old booklet will be no longer valid in 2015.

IMMO it requires a turno below is the link to request a turno for the new DNI. The old booklet will be no longer valid in 2015.


This is not correct. You have to get an appointment here http://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/?dni_extranjeros and then you will be going to CENTRO DE DOCUMENTACIÓN RÁPIDA - SEDE HIPÓLITO YRIGOYEN -DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES
Hipólito Yrigoyen 952 – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. They will send the new DNI by mail.
Sorry, RichOne-san,despite your most of the times savvy contribution post,
I will go with nikad-san on this one !

I had to do lot of clics and wait till page reloads over and over to find the truth...
Thanks for that Nikad.
I've read it, but can't find what you need to take with you to get the new card DNI.
I'm a little concerned as I've lost my original birth certificate, so I'm hoping that's not required.
I have the brown booklet with perm res.
You just need to bring your old DNI booklet.

Solicitud de nuevo ejemplar de DNI

Es la emisión de un nuevo ejemplar del Documento Nacional de Identidad que se otorga al ciudadano que lo solicite, por causa de extravío, deterioro, robo o hurto.

• Debe presentarse denuncia efectuada ante autoridad policial competente en casos de extravío, robo o hurto.
• Para los casos de deterioro, debe presentar el D.N.I deteriorado a reponer.
• Es conveniente concurrir con fotocopia del DNI extraviado (no excluyente).



• Menor de 16 años con radicación temporaria ó permanente: $ 35
• Mayor de 16 años con radicación temporaria ó permanente: $ 35
Hey, I'm not so sure folks. The requirements for a new DNI might not be the same for foreigners. I for one would like to know if someone find something else on this.
I just renewed mine this week. There are a couple ways to go about it. You can make an appointment or just show up at your LOCAL centro de documentation, mine was in Olivos. If you just show up, they will give out 100 numbers upon opening and attend those 100 people during their short work day.
You will need your old dni if you have it and 35 pesos. They will send your new dni to your address in 4- 8 weeks.
I went to the http://turnos.mininterior.gov.ar/turnosWeb/ website and when I tried to do the online process, it says

Corregir los siguientes datos:
  • Los extranjeros con n?mero de documento mayor a 90.000.000 deber?n presentarse en Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen 925
Note: They tell you the WRONG address on the website, jajjaja, it's Hipolito Yrigoyen 952, not 925.
Ron went yesterday and if you're over 70 you don't need an appointment. He went with me today early, we arrived around 9am and since I was with him, they were very nice and gave me a number right away, I guess the regular process is you have to have an appointment. About 30 minutes later they called my number. You only need your DNI booklet, they don't ask for a passport or any other ID. They ask if your address is the same as is in the booklet, and mine was, don't know what happens if it's changed since you got the book. They take your photo, take your fingerprints electronically (no ink), then you pay 35 pesos at the register, return to the window to show your receipt, she staples this all together, and then you get it signed on your way out. Then the new DNI is supposed to be mailed to you 30 days later. Keep your receipt in case it doesn't show up and you have to return to the office on Hipolito Yrigoyen 952. They also returned the original DNI book to you, which was a relief.
Thanks for everyone's advice! Hopefully I'll have my new DNI in 30 days!
Pete & Ron