Uruguay: The Economist Country Of The Year


Oct 18, 2007

[background=transparent]But the accomplishments that most deserve commendation, we think, are path-breaking reforms that do not merely improve a single nation but, if emulated, might benefit the world. Gay marriage is one such border-crossing policy, which has increased the global sum of human happiness at no financial cost. Several countries have implemented it in 2013—including Uruguay, which also, uniquely, passed a law to legalise and regulate the production, sale and consumption of cannabis. This is a change so obviously sensible, squeezing out the crooks and allowing the authorities to concentrate on graver crimes, that no other country has made it. If others followed suit, and other narcotics were included, the damage such drugs wreak on the world would be drastically reduced.[/background]

[background=transparent][background=transparent]Better yet, the man at the top, President José Mujica, is admirably self-effacing. With unusual frankness for a politician, he referred to the new law as an experiment. He lives in a humble cottage, drives himself to work in a Volkswagen Beetle and flies economy class. Modest yet bold, liberal and fun-loving, Uruguay is our country of the year. ¡Felicitaciones![/background][/background]
Note this is The Economist. I'm sure Bon Apetit would have an entirely different opinion.
Bon Apetit would certainly claim that Argentina deserves to be country of the year solely based on it's Fugazzeta and needless to say Bon Appetit's strident anti Neo Liberal editorial staff.


The agree with The Economist's take on Uruguay's reforms but, at the same time, one could argue that the increasing acceptance of gay marriage has contributed to the unhappiness of extreme evangelicals (OK, a redundant phrase) and other unpleasantly conservative sectors around the world.
Bon Apetit would certainly claim that Argentina deserves to be country of the year solely based on it's Fugazzeta and needless to say Bon Appetit's strident anti Neo Liberal editorial staff.


I had a delicious fugazzeta Thursday, made by a Mendoza refugee now located in Villarrica.

made by a Mendoza refugee now located in Villarrica.

My sources indicate he was a convict.
Is it safe now to indulge in such a sinful lookin thing?
And you always choose lunch time to rub it under my nose.
Where is Villarrica anyway?
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Yes exactly Khairy, no words needed. The Fugazzeta speaks for itself.