Verify DNI for apartment rental


Aug 16, 2009
I've seen this somewhere before, but I can't seem to find it again. I apologize if my searching skills are not up to par with someone else's.

I will be renting another apartment here soon, and I don't want to put myself into a similar situation that I was in last year.

Before I sign any lease, I want to make sure that I can verify the DNI of the person on the contract. Does anyone know of a reputable place that I can have this done? I want to make sure that the DNI corresponds to the name and the address on the contract in the event that the property owner tries to pull a fast one.

Thank you!
I suppose you have to get the owner´s full name and dni, full address of the property and you can go to the Registro de la Propiedad and verify that that person owns the place in fact.
You can also go to a locutorio and ask for a Veraz credit report. Most locutorios have them. You will need the person's DNI or CUIT, and his name.

This, however, will not show if he/she owns the property. That information you will only be able to get from the Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble.