VP Cristina Fernandez de Kirshner is Suing Google.

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
VP Cristina Fernandez de Kirshner is Suing Google. Apparently she's not happy the way she is described in the Google web site.
Suing Google may not be such a good idea. This could backfire on her big time. This could get interesting.
VP Cristina Fernandez de Kirshner is Suing Google. Apparently she's not happy the way she is described in the Google web site.

I don't get it. Do you see something different? Google just quoting Wikipedia there.

.. dentro del panel de conocimiento del principal buscador de la web, en lugar de describir el cargo institucional de “Vicepresidenta de la Nación” que actualmente ejerce Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, “figuraba en forma maliciosa y difamante la leyenda de ‘Ladrona de la Nación’”, señala la demanda.

Suing Google may not be such a good idea. This could backfire on her big time. This could get interesting.

Maradona sued Google back in 2008. Google just suppressed all results of local searches for "Maradona".

Amazing that she made defamatory statements and commits name-calling to her enemies all the time (dogs, sons of whores, whores, bitches, witches, dictaduras, ladrones, corruptos, opresores, you name it) yet if one dare call her a name especially one that reflects the serious criminal charges she is still facing, and could be still be convicted of, it needs to be hushed.

Videla did not like criticism either. #democracia?

Amazing that she made defamatory statements and commits name-calling to her enemies all the time (dogs, sons of whores, whores, bitches, witches, dictaduras, ladrones, corruptos, opresores, you name it) yet if one dare call her a name especially one that reflects the serious criminal charges she is still facing, and could be still be convicted of, it needs to be hushed.

Videla did not like criticism either. #democracia?

Well she should thank Google for using that Old Picture of her's very favorable..!
Well she should thank Google for using that Old Picture of her's very favorable..!
Wikipedia is open source content, she probably uploaded it herself before taking the screenshot of that open source text to file the lawsuit and start the scandal. A girls gotta look her best for her day in court!