VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

A friend just E-mailed me this site. It is SICKENING. Being an animal lover I find this just so appalling and barbaric. I must admit, the Dudester got VERY emotional.


You will learn about the true ALASKA, the true PALIN, the love of MURDERING beautiful helpless animals for fun and power... this site was up long before McCain picked her but IMHO she is one sick effing puppy that loves to hurt and kill animals. I hope she gets all the bad Karma she deserves.

PLEASE PASS THIS SITE AROUND TO AS MANY VOTING AMERICAN'S AS POSSIBLE !!!! Since the coward is not doing interviews the American public must know about this sick person. Dudester

There's a huge amount of difference between the candidates. Obama has a liberal voting record, McCain's is extremely conservative. McCain is pandering to the extremist wacko religious right -- just look at his VP choice! Obama isn't. McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time. How often do you think Obama voted with Bush? Here are a few things that will happen if Obama is elected, that won't happen if McCain is elected:1) we'll stop torturing people.
2) we'll stop disappearing people and shipping them off to prison camps for life.
3) we'll lose the crazy restrictions that the fundamentalists have imposed on biotech research -- we'll no longer be at a competitive disadvantage vs. more enlightened countries. 4) we'll stop appointing right-wing extremists to the supreme court. Women will get to keep their right to choose whether to have an abortion.5) We won't have a new cold war with Russia. Can you believe that Palin wants us to admit Georgia to NATO? Are we really going to go to war with Russia over Georgia? I could go on. In fact, the difference between the candidates is huge, just like the difference between the candidates was huge in 2000. Think what a better, more democratic, more AMERICAN country we'd have if Al Gore had been president for the last 8 years. Ken
The squeeky wheel gets the grease.
Being new to this forum I am amazed at the atitudes that are reflected here. I have to be in agreement with the poster who said both candidates are just about equal. The atmosphere here remindeds me of a group of twenty somethings in a college town bar. Loros pontificating on huge problem armed with the information presented to them by a semi-pedophillic professor who had never competed in the work place in his life.
The squeeky wheel gets the grease. Everyone knows that the loudest roar gets the most.
Mc Cain has liberally lathered the middle class, you know! the women with children who believe in god, guys that fish ,hunt and work with their hands. The ones who drink Bud and watch football. They all are tired of candidates with educations from elitist eastern universities. Is it any wonder that Palin is kicking the Dems to the curb?
She fits so many of the groups that feel ignored . Mother of a handicapped child. Mother of an unmarried pregnant daughter. Wife of a bluecollar worker . A working mother. A Christian, (the last group that can be ridiculed without being called ignorant or racist).
Gee she is pretty ( a real handicap)
Aggressive (she fires people who ignore her orders)
She hunts (how barbaric I would rather attend a poetry reading and sip chablis)
She even plays basketball and loves her husband. How provincial!
Ahhh but she is vulnerable to attack because she is so flawed as to be representative of the majority of Americans. You know the stupid great unwashed who built The USA.
Well it seems the Dems chose the typical pretty liberal candidate who stands on the fence. He tells them what they want to hear and writes books about his life. Too bad if he had a rich daddy someone else could have written them for him. Profiles in Courage? Change? How about gutless but present. Oh but he is a great public speaker. Does he play the sax?
Keep voting for the beauty contestants. Palin came in second but the Dems lost to Geo Bush. TWICE. How embarrassing! I would re-evaluate your message and look for more substance Hilliary would have been better.
PS Dudester I really liked the snide comment about the rapture. Why don't you check out Jimmy Carters sister maybe she can heal you.
Ken's got it -- the most important aspect of this next presidency really doesn't have as much to do with what will change in the next 4 years as it does with shaping the next 20 years + of the Supreme Court. I'm not American, but like most Canadians, tend to absorb a fair amount of your news, so although I can't for the life of me remember the names off the top of my head, aren't there 2-3 judges who are umm... rather ancient? Allowing McCain/Palin to get into office will surely result in yet another conservative judge being appointed. I can't get over the fact that Roe v Wade is still even under threat after all this time! And Palin didn't even think of the irony of her statement when she said it was her daughter's "choice" to have the baby. I guess she was referring to the choice of having pre-marital sex instead of obeying her abstinence-only education...
Anyway I'm supposed to be reading my own election news (yes, Canada's having one in October) so I should go get informed about that instead (fortunately we're only subjected to a few short weeks of campaigning, not 2+ years)
"kenmtraveller" said:
There's a huge amount of difference between the candidates.
Obama has a liberal voting record, McCain's is extremely conservative. McCain is pandering to the extremist wacko religious right -- just look at his VP choice! Obama isn't.
McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time. How often do you think Obama voted with Bush?
Here are a few things that will happen if Obama is elected, that won't happen if McCain is elected:
1) we'll stop torturing people.

2) we'll stop disappearing people and shipping them off to prison camps for life.

3) we'll lose the crazy restrictions that the fundamentalists have imposed on biotech research -- we'll no longer be at a competitive disadvantage vs. more enlightened countries.
4) we'll stop appointing right-wing extremists to the supreme court. Women will get to keep their right to choose whether to have an abortion.
5) We won't have a new cold war with Russia. Can you believe that Palin wants us to admit Georgia to NATO? Are we really going to go to war with Russia over Georgia?
I could go on. In fact, the difference between the candidates is huge, just like the difference between the candidates was huge in 2000. Think what a better, more democratic, more AMERICAN country we'd have if Al Gore had been president for the last 8 years.
Well to be honest we don't what Obama's voting record would be over time as he is in his first term and he has spend most of his time running for president. My guess is that members of both parties in Congress vote with the President about 90% of the time otherwise nothing would ever get done in Washington.
On your individual points
Points1&2 are basically the same thing. Both candidates are basically in agreement on how to deal with terrorism and both agree that Guantanamo should be closed. A link to an article is below:
Point 3 I assume you are talking about stem cell type research. McCain is not opposed to this the link below indicates:
Point 4 they don't agree on this issues but I don't think everyone who disagrees with abortion is a right wing extremist, nor that it would follow that this would result in far right wing justices being appointed.
Point 5 I can't find any difference between Obama and McCain on Georgia. See the link below:
Ken I would say you are wrong on every point you make. Again what is the real difference between McCain and Obama? On probably 95% of the issues there is no meaningful difference between the two.
See, now the Republicans have figured out that they've screwed up the country so bad that they can't run as Republicans anymore. So they make the ridiculous assertion (which StanExpat just eats up) that there isn't much difference between them and the Democrats. That's putting lipstick on a pig, Stan. It doesn't fool anyone.
Every time there has been a vote on something like torture, the Democrats are against it, and the Republicans are for it. Let's take HR 2082, which would have prevented the CIA from waterboarding people. 225 Democrats voted for it. 3 voted against it.185 Republicans (including McCain) voted against it. 5 voted for it.It passed. Bush, who is a Republican (though the party would have us forget this!) vetoed it. And the CIA still tortures prisoners. Ken
Ken, congratulations you finely found something you got your facts at least partly right. Your right he did vote against the ban but you leave off he has been consistently opposed to waterboarding throughout his campaign. See the link below
There are some differences between the two that could be discussed but making up differences that don't exist isn't the way to go about it.
I'm afraid you might be one of those arrogant nattering nabobs of negativity I referred to in an earlier post.
By the way I am a Obama supporter but I am not so closed minded that I can't look at both sides of an argument with objectivity.
Stan, first of all I would like to applaud your choice to do the right thing and support Barack Obama.
Stan, what do you call someone who consistently says they're against waterboarding, then votes against banning it?
I call them a liar and a hypocrite. John McCain says he's against waterboarding, yet he voted against the bill that would have ended its practice.
Oh, and I'm a nattering nabob of negativity?That's a Spiro Agnew quote. How funny that you would choose to quote a Republican Vice President, who was forced to resign after pleading no contest to tax fraud. Ken