We’Re Latins, We’Re Not Used To Deadlines

- Same people who thought "Futbal Para Todos" was better than quality education & nutrition

Excuse my paranoia, but if you re referring to me, I think you missunderstood me. I would always prefer money in education over futbol para todos, but since in futbol para todos I can actually see it, count the money, concrete money, I can see it, I can watch the program for free, while with health and education I dont know, I cant see it, I cant check if those 400 million dollars have been robbed or in fact went for education, or to support some campaign, or whatever. I JUST DONT KNOW, I CANT CORROBORATE IF THE EDUCATION IS 400 MILLIONS DOLLARS BETTER, nobody can, so pretty much nobody can actually knows if that money from futbol para todos went for education and health, and since I dont know, and I suspect it wouldnt, it just would go to corruption, I rather choose futbol para todos.
I hope you now understand.

Also, by claiming your culture is the reason something can't be done is a good way to make people
be racist/look down on you even more. .

Dont know what you mean by this, could you explain?

I suggest that if you talk of/to somebody do it properly, using names, after all we re all behind a computer, anonimously, looking at nobodys faces, so you dont need balls to do that, do you? ;)
ARBound, I'm struggling to make sense of a lot of what you just posted:

1. Maxi Kirchner/Cámpora: all signs point to them not being anywhere near power next year, much less 2030.

2. How does the central bank benefit from any of this? Olympics/WC have been proven to be a drain on reserves and the exchequer.

3. Can you really show me where anyone has argued that "futbol para todos" is more important than education/nutrition? I mean quotes. Don't lets build strawmen.

4. How does Uruguay get into this? If anything they would benefit from a tourist spill-over without having to invest in the crap the Argentines would be required to build.

As for the rest, I totally agree with you, especially

I'm assuming they try to go for power in the future, BNA benefits from USD/foreign currency coming in physically or via atm withdraws, direct quotes no, but when Cristina says she doubts any Argentines are starving and capitanich says that the government has ensured that everyone will get to view/hear the world cup for free in Argentina it sort of shows the priority of the government, lastly he said Argentina/Uruguay sharing it, that's how.
Excuse my paranoia, but if you re referring to me, I think you missunderstood me. I would always prefer money in education over futbol para todos, but since in futbol para todos I can actually see it, count the money, concrete money, I can see it, I can watch the program for free, while with health and education I dont know, I cant see it, I cant check if those 400 million dollars have been robbed or in fact went for education, or to support some campaign, or whatever. I JUST DONT KNOW, I CANT CORROBORATE IF THE EDUCATION IS 400 MILLIONS DOLLARS BETTER, nobody can, so pretty much nobody can actually knows if that money from futbol para todos went for education and health, and since I dont know, and I suspect it wouldnt, it just would go to corruption, I rather choose futbol para todos.
I hope you now understand.

Dont know what you mean by this, could you explain?

I suggest that if you talk of/to somebody do it properly, using names, after all we re all behind a computer, anonimously, looking at nobodys faces, so you dont need balls to do that, do you? ;)

Firstly I was referring to Nestor since he was the father of FPT.
Secondly, you need to calm down and read the OP, especially when it says the quote about blaming Latin culture is from the mayor of Rio.

Your Camporanoia is excused :)
Hosting an event like the World Cup or the Olympics must be an "all in" approach from the hosting city. My home town, Sydney, has not looked back after 2000. The city embraced it but also felt a huge weight of expectation. Especially, as Australians, we have an inferiority complex and feel the need to show our wares on anything even resembling a world stage. Latin culture, to me, is totally absent of this need to impress.
The guy who delivered some of the main infrastructure, including the main stadium, Alan Patching, lectured me at university, and he would sometimes talk about his approaches to dealing with pressure and deadlines and said the Olympics almost broke him. The deadlines are very real and there are no excuses, not even problems, only solutions to getting the job done.
I wish Rio well, I love the city, but they don't seem to have an "all in" approach. The protests and comments like the one in the OP are strange to me and illustrate a divergence from Sydney's "all in" approach. Of course, I don't entirely understand all their social problems and cliques.
I'd doubt that hosting these events is financially beneficial to the country in most cases. They always sell it to the people with "great infrastructure and a lot of foreign money come in", but in the end you'll find abandoned olympic parks in the outer belt of the cities and oversized stadiums which are in most cases not profitable.

We know what happened to Greece after organising the 2004 Olympics...