Wearing masks is mandatory in public spaces starting Apr 15

Checking my neighborhood, at noon today Thursday, of Pueyreddon and Las Heras at Recoleta Farmacity Azul has Alcohol gel available at the pharmacy counter in 2 sizes. large was about 250 p. No face masks. They do have the head band with plastic shield. Did not ask price. Asked twice when face masks - maybe tomorrow. It's possible, being a pharmacy, they only think in terms of the N95 sp? high protection types. Also no masks at Farmacity, but a hand out on how to make your own.
Then the 'only in Buenos Aires' moment...a chica pointed me to the ferreterias. They or some of they have the white face masks. One location with white face mask 100 p, light latex gloves and head band with plastic shield (400 or 500 p) available is located on Las Heras between Laprida and Aguero, west side. The face masks etcetera are taped in the front window so you can't miss it.
The white face masks I bought are good quality/thickness and a tight fit.
The decree says you must wear a mask speficially and it must cover your nose, mouth, chin. This wouldn't remotely comply.
No any covering will do , a scarve or an old piece of underwear (preferably washed), as long as it covers you nose mouth and chin. No reason for an official mask of any kind. In fact, a good cloth mask amede at your house, doubled over, is better than the crap they sell in hardware stores or evne in pharmacies. From article 1:
Establécese el uso obligatorio de elementos de protección que cubran nariz, boca y mentón
para ingresar o permanecer en locales comerciales, en dependencias de atención al público y en medios de
transporte público en el ámbito de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

That is all it says.
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Opinions....May 26, 2020
We cannot keep ignoring the possibility of airborne transmission. Here’s how to address it.
Joseph Allen is director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and co-author of “Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity.”

If you’ve been following advice about covid-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization, chances are you’ve heard a lot about how the coronavirus can travel through large droplets via coughing and sneezes. You’ve also probably heard about the virus being transmitted through surfaces. But you probably haven’t heard anything about airborne transmission, which many organizations have largely ignored....