Argentine aupper and middle classes historicaly had fear of this people, not talking of insecurity, but of political experiences. Our upper classes are very diferent than europenas and american, they are open, they dont have clear borders, they are porous, theres always new arrivals... In Europe upper classes are much more defined, much more marked, you have nobility, and the upper classes have a history. Here in Argentina, whatever upper class family you choose, if you go back two or three generations, you have a history of migration, of poverty, of people expelled from thier countries. In the US, you have the racial thing as a distinction, that is a clear mark, a clear clausure the upper classes have, they will never accept black people as their equal.
So if you consider this and add a few political experiences of giving all the political power to the poor, making it almost equal to everyone, like the first (not the second, not the third) peronism, if you give them permisson to the excuded, who have the same origin of the rich, who have the same history (just that ones were more lucky than others) it is understandable to have upper classes frightened. They are defending the (social) distances, they are trying to close the borders of the upper classes, they are afraid of again being at the same level. Now we can argue lots of things of peronismo, but one thing is above all, its the gini coeficient, is the equality level, fighting the rich, called "oligarquia" to defend the poor "pueblo peronista". Believe it or not, I am not peronista, but understand that what peronismo represents is this, is shorting distances with the rich, in a society where distances are not defined, where barriers are not clear, where borders are porous and with great movility.