Well So Much For The China Deal

Only in Argentina would a government have problems selling bonds to its citizens to construct a cash cow like a hydro electric dam. Fifty year life span, dynamo hum: $$$. It is a shame. Argentines have about us$200 billion stashed in foreign banks and such doing nothing and AR has to with go with hat in hand to China. It is a shame. Oh well, what do I know.
Good deal? AR shall be required to pay an insurance premium on loan money AR has not received: incremental payments. Do not think your position is as good as you believe.

Good Luck
Yeah, not a bad deal. What option can Argentina have ? Military do not have the planes to protect the country, no safe trains for people to ride. And NO One else is talking to Argentina, except China. It's like those who have no savings with bad credit, walks to a used car sales lot. The sales guy says I can help you to finance that little Kia, but you have to pay a higher interest, so you can have a car and drive it to work, and make a living. The woman with the bad credit and no saying took the car with a higher interest loan, mocked the Chinese sales guy with arroz/lice as she was driving out of the parking lot. She drove the car home, the starving family was excited to see the shinning new used Kia, but worrying about how to make the payments back to the loan shark since all they had was 2 bags of soy beans. The woman said" do not worry about the chinos, who knows where we will be in 5 years"
Uruguayans are resentful with porteños, as every people are with someone who belongs to a big city. It is exactly the same in the interior. They have this complex of inferiority or they feel porteños have this complex of superiority (not the same but the product is the same: el complejo del petiso). So they dislike porteños, their pace of life (no siesta), their money, arrogance, etc.

It happens in every country I guess, in the US with the newyorkers, in France with parisians, etc

To be honest it completely sucks that these excellent people with their country have you for their neighbors. Living on the pristine coast and watching your hordes of vacation seekers roll in from across the river and treat the place crap is just another reflection of Argentine corruption. Your rude uneducated and frankly disgusting.
To be honest it completely sucks that these excellent people with their country have you for their neighbors. Living on the pristine coast and watching your hordes of vacation seekers roll in from across the river and treat the place crap is just another reflection of Argentine corruption. Your rude uneducated and frankly disgusting.

You should probably be addressing the bathroom mirror.
You should probably be addressing the bathroom mirror.

I was not thinking that while looking at all that trash on the beach that was not there 4 months ago. Neither when I was nearly run over by an Argentine that needs to thank god I was walking because if I had not been walking he would have gotten a lesson in how drive with my knuckles.
What's for dinner, Cristina? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqzYsKHJG1M&feature=player_embedded