Western Union money transfer

It's good to know someone appreciates the gravity of the situation.

Steve, you are usually so serious. It makes your rare jokes even funnier. I'm literally laughing out loud here.

On a more serious note, I think we can confidently expect that it's only a matter of time until the "WU peso" is back to 220.
The Turkish lira recovered massively against the dollar in the last 7-10 days. I mean it went from almost 17 to the dollar down to just 10 and change. But now this morning it's crept back to almost 12.

The nasty suspicious part of my mind suspects that it was probably just a maneuver to let Erdogan's pals convert their money before the crash.

If you read about the corralito in 2001, you will see that the government warned the rich and the big corporations so they wouldn't get hurt. In fact, some of them turned a profit. You see, not only were dollar savings converted to pesos at 1-1, but also dollar debts. Given that the real value was about 4-1 at that time, the ones who were warned and ready could see their debts slashed by 75% rather than their savings. This is part of why I am so horrified to see Domingo Cavallo creeping back into favor, (after having been "absolved" from all his pending legal charges under Macri).

I try to watch international news for this reason - sometimes you have to watch what's happening in other countries to understand what's happening in your own. The International Bankers' Mafia operates on this scale.
Blue is going at $203.50 Buy and $206.50 Sell while WU is at $197.15 still, fully tracking the CCL.

As always, In God We Trust; all others pay cash.
Blue 205.50 -- 208.50

New record by 2 pesos (intraday price) and 1.5 (closing price)
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What is the process in receiving WU pesos in person? Can the "receiver" be someone not from Argentina? It looks like it asks for a DNI for the reeiver and an argentina nationality, etc, which is not something most foreigners will have.