Wham here comes the tsunami

Of course, but that's not going to happen is it. The people either won't or can't wait for two decades and that's the shame. I don't think many people deny the huge potential Argentina could have.
I don't think this is going to happen, unfortunately. It did happen in some country's in the world, but chances are that nothing like this is going to happen here, where the political forces are so polarized.
Interesting, i love the current government lol, well i guess all is relative, if i compare it with Kristina Government yes i prefer so so so much more Macri that you can even go as far as call it love if hate will be what i feel for Kristina, but by no mean is the government i will choose if the kind of government i would like to see will be available. Between the Kristina and Macri i will vote a millon times Macri that for sure. Now burn and crash is what Argentina has done with all the governments, slower or faster not sure what you mean with that, is not Macris invention, is happening since your beloved peronism arrived to power pretty much 70 years ago, and kristina is part of it, it even became a politica strategy for peronism, to give a government in such bad shape that you obligate your opposition to take the painful measures so people hate them and then take the boat once the devaluation and reduction on deficit has happen and start spending again as if you are the savior lol. I will not waste my time in you Perry, you are or to blind or to naive. I will love to give you a country with 13% fiscal deficit and see how you do, and how much space to maneuver you have.

Talk about calling the kettle black . Ignorance is bilss no ?

I have noticed that Macri supporters always blame something else be it the previous government or now the fiscal deficit . Can you not admit that the current government handled things terribly and due to this we are now been catapullted back to peronismo . At the end of the day people want food on the tables and to be able to live in dignity . Macri destroyed that for millions of families who now have in their memory the better years of Kristina where at least they had food and a little bit of money left over at the end of the month .

Argentina has great potential but the system will not let it achieve that potential as their other iinterests in play that wish to keep it in servitude . I do not believe that things will get better for a long long time in Argentina and even with the Peronists in power the economy has been sold out with the largest foreign debt per capita in the world . 200 billion dollars of debt needs to be paid back and Argentina does no print us dollars meaning that a default is inevitable .

I am currently in Australia a country that is very organised and with one of the highest standards of living in the world . Just 50 years Argentina was more wealthy than Australia and rightly so its riches are vastly superior in natural resources . Australia is basically desert over 80% and people live on the coast . Argentinas land and potential is the most superior on the planet and its people are intelligent and resourceful . Unfortunately over the last 80 years they have been broken by a system that has weakened them and demoralised them . All political parties in Argentina are too blame even peronismo .

If Macri handled things correctly from the start this would never had happened as people gave him a chance . He squandered this unique opportunity and now we are in the situation we are in . What choice did the people have but to return to the devil you know .

What will this bring to Argentina as I have stated on this forum a few times this year the peso will reach 100 per dollar by the end of this year due to the financial uncertainty and a concerted effort to bring down Argentina . This is not a boon for expats as argentinians will suffer and to live in this ambiente is not desirable . We can also live like kings in Venezuela with us dollars but who wants to live like this where the common person is suffering and crime goes through the roof.

The next years will be very difficult for most argentinians as the foreign debt will have to be paid or the international bankers will completely decimate the economy . It will be a long long time before the economy improves .
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Talk about calling the kettle black . Ignorance is bilss no ?

I have noticed that Macri supporters always blame something else be it the previous government or now the fiscal deficit . Can you not admit that the current government handled things terribly and due to this we are now been catapullted back to peronimo . At the end of the day people want food on the tables and to be able to live in dignity . Macri destroyed that for millions of families who now have in their memory the better years of Kristina where at least they had food and a little bit of money left over at the end of the month .

Argentina has great potential but the system will not let it achieve that potential as their other iinterests in play that wish to keep it in servitude . I do not believe that things will get better for a long long time in Argentina and even with the Peronists in power the economy has been sold out with the largest foreign debt per capita in the world . 200 billion dollars of debt needs to be paid back and Argentina does no print us dollars meaning that a default is inevitable .

I am currently in Australia a country that is very organised and with one of the highest standards of living in the world . Just 50 years Argentina was more wealthy than Australia and rightly so its riches are vastly superior in natural resources . Australia is basically desert over 80% and people live on the coast . Argentinas land and potential is the most superior on the planet and its people are intelligent and resourceful . Unfortunately over the last 80 years they have been broken by a system that has weakened them and demoralised them . All political parties in Argentina are too blame even peronismo .

If Macri handled things correctly from the start this would never had happened as people gave him a chance . He squandered this unique opportunity and now we are in the situation we are in . What choice did the people have but to return to the devil you know .

What will this bring to Argentina as I have stated on this forum a few times this year the peso will reach 100 per dollar by the end of this year due to the financial uncertainty and a concerted effort to bring down Argentina . This is not a boon for expats as argentinians will suffer and to live in this ambiente is not desirable . We can also live like kings in Venezuela with us dollars but who wants to live like this where the common person is suffering and crime goes through the roof.

I wish for a stable and peaceful Argentina without outside manipulation and guided by a caring president that can restore the dignity and hope to its populace .

I don't disagree with you as it is clear Macri failed and it is his failings that is pushing the country back to Kirchnerismo.That said, I do disagree that people had food on the table back then and wrote a post yesterday on why this is a debatable thing to say. Without wanting to write extensively on it again, the cliff notes were people were looting supermarkets for food back then, Cristina's government was cooking the numbers in Indec to make the financial line for stability stupidly low so even people in poverty were not deemed to be in poverty. 6 pesos pasta to feed a family, remember?
Talk about calling the kettle black . Ignorance is bilss no ?

I have noticed that Macri supporters always blame something else be it the previous government or now the fiscal deficit . Can you not admit that the current government handled things terribly and due to this we are now been catapullted back to peronimo . At the end of the day people want food on the tables and to be able to live in dignity . Macri destroyed that for millions of families who now have in their memory the better years of Kristina where at least they had food and a little bit of money left over at the end of the month .

Argentina has great potential but the system will not let it achieve that potential as their other iinterests in play that wish to keep it in servitude . I do not believe that things will get better for a long long time in Argentina and even with the Peronists in power the economy has been sold out with the largest foreign debt per capita in the world . 200 billion dollars of debt needs to be paid back and Argentina does no print us dollars meaning that a default is inevitable .

I am currently in Australia a country that is very organised and with one of the highest standards of living in the world . Just 50 years Argentina was more wealthy than Australia and rightly so its riches are vastly superior in natural resources . Australia is basically desert over 80% and people live on the coast . Argentinas land and potential is the most superior on the planet and its people are intelligent and resourceful . Unfortunately over the last 80 years they have been broken by a system that has weakened them and demoralised them . All political parties in Argentina are too blame even peronismo .

If Macri handled things correctly from the start this would never had happened as people gave him a chance . He squandered this unique opportunity and now we are in the situation we are in . What choice did the people have but to return to the devil you know .

What will this bring to Argentina as I have stated on this forum a few times this year the peso will reach 100 per dollar by the end of this year due to the financial uncertainty and a concerted effort to bring down Argentina . This is not a boon for expats as argentinians will suffer and to live in this ambiente is not desirable . We can also live like kings in Venezuela with us dollars but who wants to live like this where the common person is suffering and crime goes through the roof.

I wish for a stable and peaceful Argentina without outside manipulation and guided by a caring president that can restore the dignity and hope to its populace .

I still don't think you understand what i say. In any case Macri did a hell lot of things wrong why wouldn't i admit that i couldn't give a damn about macri, but even admitting that is not like i will vote for kristina, given the two options i will still vote for macri over and over again, i would never vote for Kristina. And remember how this conversation started, you twist it to become a political one while my original statement is that no crisis is terminal and you should understand that to not loose all your money on the panic or even take it as an opportunity and new ground to grow up, this is something that my father always told me "when everyone is panicking and selling go and struck a deal and buy, when everyone is buying euphorically go and sell, after all no crisis last forever and no boom can hold for long only moment to keep assets is when things are boring and steady". Stability is the bless that sustain economic growth and savings.
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How much are we getting for USD at cuevas?

I went uesterday and was offered 52, though internet showed, 58?
How much are we getting for USD at cuevas?

I went uesterday and was offered 52, though internet showed, 58?
Is that because the cuevas are the blue dollar? I get closer to the official rate from my source and received more than 52 yesterday (edit, sorry it was Monday).
Economies should not be manipulated as to benefit a small percentage of the population . How many people in Argentina can benefit in a crash maybe 10 % at most who have a lot of money that can be used to buy up big when there is blood of the streets . This is financial terrorism of the worse kind as 90% of Argentinians live month by month and have to buy the food and pay the rent . With terrible inflation and low wages in a devalued currency life has been a liiving hell for them the last year .

Macri had a excellent chance to create and stimulate the economy internally when he was elected but he did not implement one policy to help real economic growth that come from the argentinian people . The economy in the last years has been a casino economy of the worst kind based on speculation that has only benefited those that are very wealthy . There has been very little investment in a business culture that would have created a lot of employment for local people . The last years has seen many busineses close down and argentina made is non existent .

Having a open economy where everything is china made does not benefit argentina . This is a country that can produce everything it needs . We need a president that cares about his people and creates real economic growth that comes from the talent of the argentinian people and the incredible natural resources that argentina has .


Whether only 10% of the population can benefit is just a fact but it's subjective as to the morality of is it right or wrong. The wealthy will always be able to benefit on opportunities when there is blood in the street. I will still argue with anyone that says Argentina will become a "Venezuela". It just won't happen. I will argue with anyone that says that real estate prices will go back to the levels of the last crash. It just won't happen. Not in US dollar terms. Never.

I hope I'm wrong and if so, I'll be one of those 10% you refer to taking advantage and loading up on my investments. That isn't a question or morality or taking advantage of anyone. It's just prudent and sound investing.

Look at Buenos Aires a city with a metropolitan area of about 13 million people and look at La Capital of only around 3 million people. Much of that is concentrated wealth and always will be for the end of time.

Wise economists and experts have said if you took ALL the wealth in the world and divided it equally with every single person in the world. Within 10-15 years all the people that were wealthy before would be again and the people that were poor before probably would be again. I agree with much of that thought. There is no right or wrong about it. Just fact.

As far as Macri failing. Yes, absolutely. But as I mentioned before, I don't think any politician could have successfully navigated Argentina after the mess CFK made. That was unrecoverable. Argentina will always be a mess because it's a broken country. So the best thing you can do is take advantage of the really really bloodbaths and recessions and crashes when they happen. And between relative periods of stability when they have recovered to dump your investments and rinse, repeat over and over.

It's certainly not a matter of morality or taking advantage of anyone. It's about taking advantage of a smart investment opportunity.

Interesting, i love the current government lol, well i guess all is relative, if i compare it with Kristina Government yes i prefer so so so much more Macri that you can even go as far as call it love if hate will be what i feel for Kristina, but by no mean is the government i will choose if the kind of government i would like to see will be available. Between the Kristina and Macri i will vote a millon times Macri that for sure. Now burn and crash is what Argentina has done with all the governments, slower or faster not sure what you mean with that, is not Macris invention, is happening since your beloved peronism arrived to power pretty much 70 years ago, and kristina is part of it, it even became a politica strategy for peronism, to give a government in such bad shape that you obligate your opposition to take the painful measures so people hate them and then take the boat once the devaluation and reduction on deficit has happen and start spending again as if you are the savior lol. I will not waste my time in you Perry, you are or to blind or to naive. I will love to give you a country with 13% fiscal deficit and see how you do, and how much space to maneuver you have.

Yes. This is spot on target. I love how people try to argue or assume that someone any other president could have solved Argentina's woes. LOL. Just impossible to anyone that truly understands Argentina. Yes, absolutely Macri made a lot of mistakes. But I totally disagree with you Perry if you think that Argentina somehow could have been in great shape with someone else.

Argentina is structured for systemic failure. There will NEVER be long term stability there. I've posted in great detail over the past many years on this forum why Argentina can't have stability. Everything is broken there and there isn't a possibility to fix it. There is systemic inefficiencies, corruption and red tape there. It's totally plagued and can't be fixed without basically a reset of the entire system there from labor laws, tax code/laws, and many many other things I've posted about over the past decade.
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