What are they thinking?

I also cannot stand the litter everywhere, in the city in the countryside, everywhere. No, it is not part of their (Argentine) DNA, but it is part of their culture. Sometimes culture can change, as someone pointed out earlier, there was a lot more litter in the U.S. (than there is now) in the 1960's for example. But through education, advertising campaigns (I remember the "Indian" commercial well), peer pressure and stiff penalties that were enforced, there is much less liter in the U.S and most people would not think of throwing something out of their car window or dropping a candy wrapper on the sidewalk. Why do people litter, because they can and they feel it has no impact on them.

It is just like why do people here drive on the shoulders of the autopista? The more appropriate question here is why would you not drive on the shoulder? My thinking goes something like this; well, it is illegal (but it is not enforced), well, I don't want other drivers to think I am a jerk (most other drivers would not think that), and finally, because it can be dangerous! (oh, I am invincible, nothing will happen to me). So I repeat, when the mentality is more like what I put in the parenthesis, why would you not drive on the shoulder? Change the mentality, change the culture.
Have to say it drives me mad as well and it's not the same everywhere else in the world, BA is dirty. I dont agree with the regular BA bashing that goes on in this blog but this is one thing that kills me!!! It's like they like seing rubbish everywhere…
A couple years ago I was in Puerto Madryn with a friend of mine (he is from there)..
Just outside of town their is a huge open expanse (Patagonia).. as far as my eye could see... they were seemingly growing cotton. As I got closer to the vast fields.. I saw it was all white plastic bags.. caught on every bush every branch... for miles. :(
Driving down Libertador in Vincente Lopez , stopped at the red light. When it turns green , the guy in the car next to me throws a Mc Donalds bag out the window in front of my car. At the next light , I told him it was not nice and expressed a profanity towards him. He just shrugged.

In the interior , the are lot's of shrines to Gauchito Gil , the gaucho , and at many people leave plastic bottles. I guess as an offering to Gil , but at some there are thousands of empty bottles stacked nice and neat. Almost as if they were boarding a collectivo.....