What are you doing in your free time?

These guys are making money off that idea :) http://graffitimundo.com/

Hache said:
Not very long ago I began to appreciate and pay more attention to graffiti painting and stencil art. I realized it helped me slow down my frantic walking pace and look more around me rather than just straight ahead. Now I'm thinking about starting a BA graffiti photo project.
I think if a bunch of us wanted to get together for a regular pool night that would be great - there is a pool hall here in Belgrano that is pretty (well mostly its for bowling - but they have about 4 pool tables as well) - what can I say? Pool, a few beers, some snacks - works for me. Its a cheap night out - you pay about 20 pesos an hour for the pool table - an icy cold bottle of Quilmes will cost you about 20 pesos and they have a variety of hot/cold snacks...

The great thing about pool is just about anybody can play it and for a relaxing night out without too much effort involved its got to be worth looking at...

About the only thing I can think of right now - the hangover from last night is an absolute humdinger and I am definitely swearing off the booze for at least the next 8 hours :) lol