What Do You Miss The Least From Home? (Ba Cast Survey)

When you're in a restaurant with friends. As soon as everyone puts their forks down, the waitperson presents the check and out you go.
US$2,000 - US3,000 a month for a small apartment (water included). What's an elevator? S.F. EEUU.
I don't miss owning a car.
I do not miss:
The lack of taxis and decent public transport.
The inability to walk many places due to lack of side walks and crossings.
The lack of stores where you live because of zoning.
The lack of actual butchers and bakers (instead of so much mega chain stores).

Buenos Aires crosswalks, though, are nothing more than decorations.
The constant barrage of BUY! BUY! BUY!
Being spied on by my government in the name of "national security."
Spending 50% of my disposable income on housing.
Spending the other 50% on health insurance.
Having to get in my car and drive just to buy a loaf of bread.
... that's true.

-35c at night. Then the bugs come out in spring. The flying insects where I'm from will drive a moose out of the bush.

I'm from Canada
Minus 35 celsius at night???? That's polar temperature, isn't it??
hmm not sure. I think they get -35c in the day time up there. It was about -10c in the day time(winter) where I used to be. Still unacceptable being the sun creature that I am. I won't get into the co$t of it all.

Half of the deer population die every winter. Not because of predation or diseases. Just because it's winter. The rest of the animal species have different solutions, but all do not 'like' winter. Some freeze and then unfreeze. Some hibernate. Some fly south...
I don't miss mezzicans ( ex California victim or suspect depending where I was)