What Do You Miss The Least From Home? (Ba Cast Survey)

I don't miss an easy and problem free life where everything works as it is supposed to. (I love the completely desorganised life in Argentina)
Over abundance of political correctness that turned into hypocrisy
Work all day and talk about work all day
The famous question; did you do your Christmas shopping list yet? When it is Nov 1st!
Christmas in JulY!!!

I grew up without presents for Christmas, and am honestly so happy about it. People already stress enough about the food and the family, i cant imagine having to stress over a shopping list and the money that comes with it for 2 months.
Political robo-calls
TV commercials every 3 minutes
Empowered a**hole authority figures
Miami heat (both the temperature and the team)
Busy-body code enforcers
Soccer mom drivers with huge SUVs sipping on their Starbucks while talking on the cell phone
15-mph school zones when there are no kids
Big scary people (US bums and riffraff are a lot scarier looking, even if here that 16 year old scrawny kid may be more likely to actually pull out a weapon and rob you.)
The PC / feminist crowd (some of the commercials here just make me laugh.. "if this were shown in the US!")
The very early work day
Self serve gas stations and the running back and forth if paying in cash
Certain etiquette customs that always seemed more like gift grabs than sincere appreciation (wedding thank you cards, gifts/registries/cards, baby showers, bridal showers, etc etc)
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Those happen here too ex Isadora[/background]

Every thing happens anywhere and everywhere, it is a matter of where in the society you are and what people you meet.
On the first, you can have some control, on the latter, it is just a matter of chance.

So far, I was very lucky, then!

I never saw a stranger holding a door open for me or letting me get on the bus first based solely on the fact that I am woman in Italy.
I never saw a stranger holding a door open for me or letting me get on the bus first based solely on the fact that I am woman in Italy.

I do have to say, NOTHING trumps a pregnant woman here -- priority for everything, and if you get on a crowded subway people will actually start yelling if no one gives the pregnant woman a seat. In fact the pregnant woman seems to be the thing that brings out manners in everyone here (and a few creepy creepy catcalls).