What does Kirchner winning the Primaries mean to you...

Philsword said:
Basically you are saying they are not all that bad when compared to a lot of other as bad or worse people that came before them, I guess I could agree with this. Hopefully the country will have good leadership at some point and begin to realize its potential.

From what I have read about, and seen of, Argentino politicians' performance during the past century, the Kirchners are above middle. They could perform much worse and still be forgotten in 20 years, but they could also perform much better than they do.

The alternatives - would they perform better or worse? The tracks are scaring.
Philsword said:
I believe they call the Casa Rosada and find out which way they want to spin the data politically and then produce stats that conform to the required spin.
I have read, but cannot confirm, that when it comes to e.g. the price of bread, INDEC uses the increase in prices of the raw materials like flour and yeast but ignore increases in salary, transport, electricity, etc.

This method has been used in other countries.

Unless INDEC provides a precise description of the methodology it uses to sample data and calculate inflation, it must be fined for obscuring its data and methods like everybody else.
gsi16386 said:
Seems as though I offended a lot of you and that was not my true intention. I have struck that comment from my post.

You deleted your comment but did you really get the thought out of your head?
Racism does not go away just because you are careful with your wording. It will only go away when you understand what's wrong with your thinking.