What happened to Inflacion Verdadera??

My salary is also in ARS and Ashley is 100% right. Salaries have no correlation whatsoever to current prices or to educational level (unqualified workers who belong to an union often make much more than young professional workers..sigh).
This means that in our case, we've got high level professionals earning a few hundred pesos more than their assistants! It certainly doesn't promote loyalty to companies whatsoever and is terrible for morale...[/quote]

Very well summarized Ashley. Our HR spend most of their time on salary adjustments, and meetings to discuss salaries than any normal functions like training, career development etc..s As our unionized workers (comercio) know they will get their 25%+ they could give a damn about goals & objectives and performed related bonuses...Employment here is a minefield but neither party is to blame as noone wins in the equation.