What has changed?


Mar 29, 2011
Hi all! In just a few weeks, I'm coming back to Buenos Aires after six months away. I previously lived there for over two years (Jan 2008 - June 2011) and I'm returning for the summertime. I've been following the board pretty closely to keep up on my BA knowledge but I would appreciate if anyone can tell me anything that has changed since June of this year. For example, I just found out a new Subway opened up on Azcuenaga and Santa Fe, taxis went up a huge amount, and its impossible to buy dollars.

Anything else I should know about? I know asking the question "what has changed" is pretty vague, but anything interesting about the city will be appreciated.
Not all kioscos recharge your tarjeta SUBE (the one for buses & subte) anymore.
Carlota said:
Not all kioscos recharge your tarjeta SUBE (the one for buses & subte) anymore.

All the kioskos have never charged the SUBE or Monerdero cards...Its only ever been at select locations and each kiosko has only a certain amount of credit to give out to people on any given week.

You can still charge them at any subte stop.

The biggest thing that is changing is the government is getting rid of subsidies for electricity, gas, and water, which will make the cost to rent a temporary apartment jump by most likely a few hundred dollars. Since gasoline will be more expensive, its a safe bet to say that the cost of everything in the stores will rise at least a little bit more (beyond just inflation) do to the rising cost of transportation.
Safe deposit boxes in Bancos increased in price: From $1000 to $2000 pesos per year. I don't know if any are available. (I asked a couple years ago and the answer was no.)

Now I have a huge "garden" and a shovel.

Given that, who needs cajas?:D

Of course it would be dangerous for me to bury money in the ground.

Half the time I can't even remember where I put the shovel.:eek: