What Is Edenor Costing You?

Someone could be stealing your juice. Unlikely, but check what your past consumption levels were--do you have past bills? Syngirl is correct, you might have some strange appliance sucking up energy.
If in a non subsidized area , suggest disconnecting all appliances not in use, overnight and week ends?
We are one block the wrong side of Libertador, Olivos and the bills are horrendous.
Curious, what are you (anyone) paying per kilowatt hour (kWh) for electricity? I pay $0.98/kWh (through a Coop) for my house in Pilar, con IVA, sin “subsidies”.
I am charged $0.50/kWh (Edesur) for my office in MicroCentro, but then there is a “subsidy” subtracted on the bill making the effective payment $0.21/kWh, con IVA, con subsidy. Big difference!
KW price depends on your consumption (but that might be different with a cooperativa)

I have Edenor and on my november bill, I had consumed 533 kW.
Sin subsidio = 0.3650 $ per kW
Con subsidio (lucky me) = 0.042 per kW (no typo!)

But if you include the taxes, etc., that's 0.2070 per kW