what is the best cell phone a/c to have for international roaming within South Americ


Mar 23, 2011
It could be a Argentine cell phone company or any other based in South America with good roaming plans within entire South America.

Anyone has any idea?
if you are based in Argentina and call overseas frequently perosnal have a good deal with PLAN BLACK - Your 500 local minutes can actually be used to call anywhere in Nort and South America - the plans costs 199 pesos per month.

As for actual roaming outside Argentina I still haven't found a good deal
Wrong information above!
I am from Brazil. I have been living here for 2 years. I have the plan Black (the company is called Personal). You have your 500 minutes, but that is only for local calls, what the company offers you is International calls for the price of local calls, but they will NOT be discounted from your 500 min pack. But I would also advice you to have this plan, because you have unlimited 3G internet, which means if you have Skype on your phone, you don´t even need to pay for the international calls, you just use the internet...
Ahh, I forgot to say, with the plan black, the roaming is not so cheap. Whenever I go to Brazil to visit my family, they charge me about 3 dollars for every MB that I use... In Brazil, I think the best cell phone company would be Tim.
Try using calling cards to get around the hassle. With an android phone you can also use the ";" and "," characters to automatically enter your account number, pin and the number you want to dial.

Likewise to avoid incoming call charges by changing the callerID to argentina.
ufancelli said:
Wrong information above!
I am from Brazil. I have been living here for 2 years. I have the plan Black (the company is called Personal). You have your 500 minutes, but that is only for local calls, what the company offers you is International calls for the price of local calls, but they will NOT be discounted from your 500 min pack. But I would also advice you to have this plan, because you have unlimited 3G internet, which means if you have Skype on your phone, you don´t even need to pay for the international calls, you just use the internet...

Wrong. I've had my personal line since the beginning of the year, about half my calls are to the US and they do discount those minutes from your 500 minutes.

Roming is expensive though, I've found movistar has decent roming prices and plans for uruguay and paraguay
DavieW said:
Skype is your friend.
Even to call regular phones - 9c/min to the UK.

Of course, thanks for the tip on skype! How the hell I did not know about skype! How ignorant of me. When almost every expat knows about skype . I have to google about skype and find out what it is!!

Jokes apart, I am looking for a answer to my original question.

I don't know about any solutions specifically for Latin America, but you can check international SIM card discussions at PrepaidGSM forum .