What to bring from France to make a profit?

BienTeVeo said:
Maybe it is cooling off. I don't really know. But I have to think that there must be people out there who've bought apple products in recent years, who now can't get parts, upgrades, etc.

The other issue to consider is whether a buyer here would be willing to pay in dollars (or euros, in this case) for big ticket item like a macbook. Might be tricky.

Another suggestion: vacuum-sealed reblochon. I'd buy some!

FYI Ive bought imported Reblochon and Tomme (de savoie) at La Tablita in Belgrano..now that wa sbfeore import controls so have no idea if their imported selection is still as varied...
I can only speak for two Apple products, ipads and iphones.

The last time I traveled I listed my iphone and an ipad on mercadolibre after seeing the prices and figuring that I could easily replace them. I listed them for less than most of the listings. Keep in mind that mercadolibre charges a 10% commission.

I got ZERO offers on the ipad which was the basic 16gb with wi-fi. I got one serious offer for the iphone and ended up selling it for $10 over cost (I threw in my bluetooth and an otterbox case). I was able to buy the iphone without paying sales tax and since I was a new seller I did not have to pay the mercadolibre commission. If I would have paid both of these I wouldn't have been able to sell it.

There are three problems. 1. Oversupply- everyone and their brother is selling an iphone. 2. People who can afford one can afford the trip to Miami. 3. DOLLARS

Don't do it.
fifs2 said:
FYI Ive bought imported Reblochon and Tomme (de savoie) at La Tablita in Belgrano..now that wa sbfeore import controls so have no idea if their imported selection is still as varied...

La Tablita! Great place. Go there all time. But I always assumed that their reblochon was an argentine version - nuestro reblochon, like nuestro margaux. I will investigate.
flurec said:
I can only speak for two Apple products, ipads and iphones.

The last time I traveled I listed my iphone and an ipad on mercadolibre after seeing the prices and figuring that I could easily replace them. I listed them for less than most of the listings. Keep in mind that mercadolibre charges a 10% commission.

I got ZERO offers on the ipad which was the basic 16gb with wi-fi. I got one serious offer for the iphone and ended up selling it for $10 over cost (I threw in my bluetooth and an otterbox case). I was able to buy the iphone without paying sales tax and since I was a new seller I did not have to pay the mercadolibre commission. If I would have paid both of these I wouldn't have been able to sell it.

There are three problems. 1. Oversupply- everyone and their brother is selling an iphone. 2. People who can afford one can afford the trip to Miami. 3. DOLLARS

Don't do it.

Sounds like the voice of reason and experience.
Indeed for the iPads, market seems quite slow on Mercadolibre.

For the iPhones, it's possible to buy used 4S for around 300/320 EUR in France so there's a small profit to make if sold in USDs here (sold in pesos, not much in fact).
Another suggestion: vacuum-sealed reblochon. I'd buy some!

I thought that travelers weren't allowed to bring meat or dairy products into Argentina from foreign countries? I mean, I doubt they enforce that rule -- fresh produce is also prohibited, and I always sail through Ezeiza with a bunch of fruit in my bag -- but if FJ's friend is hurting for money, it'd be a shame for his loot to get confiscated.

Aside from the liquor, which I think is a really good idea, are there any pharmacy-type items (OTC meds, high-end beauty products, etc) that he could re-sell?
We always bring cheese with us to BsAs (from Seattle) for ourselves, but it doesn't always look very pretty after the flight.
flurec said:
I can only speak for two Apple products, ipads and iphones.

The last time I traveled I listed my iphone and an ipad on mercadolibre after seeing the prices and figuring that I could easily replace them. I listed them for less than most of the listings. Keep in mind that mercadolibre charges a 10% commission.

I got ZERO offers on the ipad which was the basic 16gb with wi-fi. I got one serious offer for the iphone and ended up selling it for $10 over cost (I threw in my bluetooth and an otterbox case). I was able to buy the iphone without paying sales tax and since I was a new seller I did not have to pay the mercadolibre commission. If I would have paid both of these I wouldn't have been able to sell it.

There are three problems. 1. Oversupply- everyone and their brother is selling an iphone. 2. People who can afford one can afford the trip to Miami. 3. DOLLARS

Don't do it.

Thanks for this, confirms exactly what I was thinking may be the case.

Quick question though: do you have a reputation on mercadolibre? Because what I was made to understand by people who do this a lot, is that on mercadolibre, reputation is everything - much more so than on eBay. People simply will not take a risk on someone who hasn't sold in the tens - unless he's selling it for a lot cheaper.

Btw, French Jurist is an incredibly gracious thread host, thanking each and every post that appears on this thread.

That is a good point. I was a new seller. The complete lack of interest (ipad- not one question) is what got me. Over the two weeks of the listings I decreased the pricing to just slightly over US cost. I have a Argentinian friend with over 700 feedback and there are some small electronics from here that he sells but no Apple products and he has never asked me to bring any. Take that for what it's worth.

One thing majorly lacking on mercadolibre is the ability to view "completed sales" as you can with ebay so you really have know idea what is actually selling and at what price.

I get the feeling from talking to my South American friends that they would trust an American they don't know over a person they casually know from their own country. In fact I have been flat out told that on more then one occasion. From my listing it was obvious that I was not Argentinian but there again that might have hurt me, que se yo.