Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

Sara Sara apologist for right wing dictatorships your answers are cliched and when the going gets tough you skip every point.
If you like Obama so much why the hell are you living in Argentina but I am sure you will answer with the hypocrisy that characterises your over 500 posts.
cabrera said:
Sara Sara apologist for right wing dictatorships your answers are cliched and when the going gets tough you skip every point.
If you like Obama so much why the hell are you living in Argentina but I am sure you will answer with the hypocrisy that characterises your over 500 posts.

I'm simply DEVASTATED :D:D to learn you don't approve of my views - have already booked a couple of sessions with a shrink to help me deal with such a crushing blow.

Now, please identify which points I have skipped. (If you can, that is.)

For the record: I support President Obama, and think he's doing an outstanding job. I'm as proud to call him my President as I'm ashamed to be be represented by Argentina's current trashy regime.

As to why I am in Argentina, you would know the reason if you had read my 500 characteristically hypocritical posts, as you imply you did. Obviously, you did not, and are probably generalizing from a small sample. Or perhaps you don't bother to understand what you read before posting those tired knee-jerk slogans.
Trashy is something you know a lot about judging by your appearance:D. Your incredible support for death squads and inequality makes you stand out from the rest of us

If you dislike the Kichners why do you not go to Uruguay or maybe Colombia is more to your liking:rolleyes:
cabrera said:
Trashy is something you know a lot about judging by your appearance:D. Your incredible support for death squads and inequality makes you stand out from the rest of us

If you dislike the Kichners why do you not go to Uruguay or maybe Colombia is more to your liking:rolleyes:

I'm honored to stand out from the "rest", if you are one of that "rest".

As to why I stay in Argentina, I repeat: you should have learned that from my earlier posts, which you supposedly read but apparently did not understand. Nor did you understand my opinion of the Kirchners. I don't "dislike" them - I despise them for the corrupt people they are, and for the way they are wrecking Argentina's institutions.

It is puzzling that you find me "trashy", as I'm generally accused of being an upper-middle class snob. It is true: I am a snob when it comes to education and manners, both of which you seem to lack.

Why did you need to invent that idiotically false accusation about my supporting death squads and inequality? Frankly, you sound like the kind of Argentine that gives us all a bad name: prejudiced, ignorant, and resentful of anyone perceived as being better-off: Americans, Brits, whatever.
Checking out Cabrera's previous posts, this jewel of sound, well-grounded information came up:
cabrera said:
Vaccines are used for population control and to introduce diseases .

In view of Cabrera's thinking, I will not answer his/her posts any longer.

Dear Sara Sara hypocrisy is your namesake and your insults and arrogant manner on the forum are grating . Resentment defines you and your vision of Argentina as noted by some of your classic comments about our president. This quote which is defamous of a president best illustrate your hatred and envy .

Saras quote below
She is colorful indeed - looks like the aging madam of a fourth-rate bordello.

SaraSara said:
In view of Cabrera's thinking, I will not answer his/her posts any longer.

Interesting essay at dissidentvoice:


The Democrats did not get a chance to whine about a Kerry presidency as they do about the Obama presidency. They did not even get a chance to continue maligning Ralph Nader for Kerry’s defeat. Now, since Barack Obama, the mocha messiah of the Democrats, has assumed the imperial mantle of George Bush, that dreadful sound can be heard once again rising up from the Democrats. Oh, the mind numbing din of whining Democrats!
Whether they thought Obama would end the wars instead of escalating them or stop the torture instead of outsourcing it to Jordan and Saudi Arabia or prosecute the torturers instead of giving them a pass or encourage the Congress to pass single-payer healthcare instead of cutting backroom deals with big Pharma and providing corporate welfare for the insurance companies or bail out homeowners instead of bankers, Democrats from Dave Lindorff to David Swanson can be heard wailing about the betrayal of Barack Obama who now gives every indication that he is more monstrous than George Bush.

And nope, I didn't write the essay.
Here's another quote from that essay:
"Obama recently proclaimed that he has the right to murder American citizens on the mere suspicion that they might be terrorists. This leaves us all vulnerable to murder at Obama’s whim. Those of us on the “watch list” must now say an extra prayer each night that our spouses and children are not slaughtered when Obama’s drone hits home. No wonder the Teabaggers are afraid of government and Obama in particular!

It must not be overlooked that Obama also plans to use Colombian insurgents to commit “false positive” border incidents blaming Venezuela as a pretext for a retaliatory attack, supported, of course, by Washington as a way to target and perhaps remove Hugo Chavez."

SaraSara said:
By taxing individuals making more than US$ 200,000 a year. Wish I were lucky enough to be taxed, but unfortunately my income is below that.

well, unfortunately, it is not physically possible to simply tax those making over 200k/yr and raise enough money to pay for the country's outstanding liabilities - and i don't just mean health care. the total amount of unfunded liabilities is somewhere in the neighborhood of $70 to $80 trillion. it is a debt that can never be paid.

-social security
-interest on existing debt

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
10 You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.

- Rev. William J. H. Boetcker