Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

SaraSara said:
How about Obama's health care reform campaign promise? He signed the bill into law on Tuesday.

Perhaps "you still don't get it". --- :) ---

That is just one of them. He has kept most of his promises that didn't require congress. He kept the promise that keeps lobbyists from working in the administration on issues related to their prior employers for two years.

He kept the promise to send at least two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan. He kept his promise to end torture.

He promised he would seek to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles, stop development of new nuclear weapons, and secure loose nuclear materials. Obama and Clinton have met already signed treaties and Obama even won a Nobel Peace price for his efforts in this.

These are just some of the examples of the promises he has kept. He hasn't kept others like closing Guantanamo, although he is slowly trying. People should inform themselves before posting totally false comments like saying "he hasn't delivered any of his promises".
flyfreely said:
People should inform themselves before posting totally false comments like saying "he hasn't delivered any of his promises".

Keeping informed demands both time and discernment.

It is far easier to make sweeping statements and unfounded accusations. All they require is anger and prejudices, which some posters have in abundance.
Ries said:
A new poll in the USA finds that-

• 67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.
• 57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim
• 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president"
• 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did"
• And Finally, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."

sounds like many of the posters on this thread are being paged...

again, it is not a republican vs democrat issue as they both work for the same team.

it's like a WWF tag team match. bush tags out and obama tags in.

at the top of the pyramid, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever between a democrat and a republican. the administrations change but the real agenda always remains the same.

so, don't waste your time with the silly dem vs rep paradigm. our country is run by bankers and big business anyway. obama is just a puppet like most of his predecessors.
SaraSara said:
Those lovely people are still at it:

"Overhaul foes target lawmakers
At least 10 House Democrats report death threats or incidents of harassment or vandalism at district offices following last weekend's contentious vote."

Obama must indeed be a great President, judging by the kind of people who hate him: Birthers, Born-Agains, and Tea-Partiers, not to mention for-profit haters such as Rush Limbaugh. (David Frum's clear, well-written column got that right.)

sara, you are heavily, heavily steeped in the false left vs right paradigm.

you are being manipulated into believing that certain evil groups dislike obama not for his politics but for other idiotic reasons such as race, religion or whatever.

nothing could be further from the truth.

his poll numbers are down across the board. americans in general dislike the direction the country is heading. the media demonizes certain dissenting groups in order to give obama left/right cover. it's a timeless, classic way to dismiss counter opinions as simply belonging to some fringe group.

again, it's all a smokescreen. don't buy into it. come to grips with the fact that obama does not work for the american ppl. he works for his corporate masters on wall st., the global elite and the rest who are pushing for one currency and a global govt.
SaraSara said:
How about Obama's health care reform campaign promise? He signed the bill into law on Tuesday.

Orwellian, seems like "you still don't get it".

sara it is pitiful the amount of major campaign promises that obama has deliberately not fulfilled.

what happened to the stoppage of wars abroad? they have gone the complete opposite way. they have increased. we are spending about $500 billion/yr on these wars.

what happened to the repeal of the patriot act? he renewed it.

what happened to the closure of guantanamo? it's still open.

what happened to not using signing statements? he's using them.

in short, obama is NO better than bush. why? because as i've stated time and time again on this board - there is NO difference between democrat and republican when it comes to the presidency of the US. the president is bought and paid for before he even steps foot into the oval office.

in the back room they are all friends who collude together to further the agenda of the global elite.

the bush agenda is the SAME agenda that obama is pursuing. the health care bill is no different. it's a scam just like everything else. it enriches the insurance companies, reduces the quality of health care and is against the constitution.

moreover, no matter what you have to say as a comeback, no matter what you think or say - there is one major point that nobody is taking into consideration.

as a nation we are broke. who's going to pay for it? our budget deficit this year alone is about $2 trillion when also accounting for the war costs. our total deficit is in the neighborhood of $14 trillion.

do you have any idea what kind of money that is? you could spend $1 million dollars a day since the time of jesus and still not have enough to cover our deficit.
SaraSara said:
The intensity of hatred toward Obama is frightening. I can't help thinking that part of it is racially motivated, that many people at heart see him as an "uppity nigger". The level of animosity, and the increased verbal and now physical violence, makes me fear for Obama's safety.

It was funny to hear McCain say that Democrats should expect no cooperation from Republicans for the rest of this year. So, what else is new? .......:):):)

this may be your most misguided statement to date.

i'm so tired of hearing this silly race card issue. sara, please understand that "race" is being played up in the media in order to give obama left/right cover.

blame it on those black hating tea partiers!! blame it on those gun toting racists!! anybody with a dissenting opinion is now a racist. oh sure, that's the real problem. it couldn't possibly be his politics could it?

and how dare the american ppl get upset! how dare they voice their opinions! sara, the level of animosity and violence is because the ppl are NOT happy with the direction of our country.


so please stop perpetuating that nonsense.
flyfreely said:
That is just one of them. He has kept most of his promises that didn't require congress. He kept the promise that keeps lobbyists from working in the administration on issues related to their prior employers for two years.

He kept the promise to send at least two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan. He kept his promise to end torture.

He promised he would seek to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles, stop development of new nuclear weapons, and secure loose nuclear materials. Obama and Clinton have met already signed treaties and Obama even won a Nobel Peace price for his efforts in this.

These are just some of the examples of the promises he has kept. He hasn't kept others like closing Guantanamo, although he is slowly trying. People should inform themselves before posting totally false comments like saying "he hasn't delivered any of his promises".

with all due respect firefly, i think you should watch the alex jones documentary:

The Obama Deception

again, let's stop wasting so much time talking about obama as it has nothing to do with him. it's not about bashing obama. he's not the focal point of what is wrong with our nation. it's the ones backing obama, his handlers, who are the real enemies of the people i.e. the builderberg group, the trilateral commission, council on foreign relations et al.

watch the documentary if you really, truly care to know another side. if not, forget it and continue to live in a bubble.

i challenge you to watch this documentary and not come away with a different perspective.

watch and let's discuss.
I don't claim to be the most politically interested person, nor the most well informed about current events. However, it's clear to me that whatever Obama has or has not achieved during his time in office with regards to his campaign promises, we must remember that he does not work in a political vacuum. A man's campaign promises are idealized portrayals of goals. They are not concrete statements of intent. Given how many political minds it's necessary to appease in DC in order to achieve some lofty and difficult political objectives, is it not plausible that Obama was forced to sacrifice or compromise on projects he considered less pressing? In my book, the measure of a politician is the extent of the changes he affects during his tenure, not the minutiae of every bow and handshake. Discussing past events will do nothing to change them, so instead of engaging in more of this coffee shop revolutionary drivel, why not check out the docket and give influencing the future a shot. Take your comments and put them in a letter to your congressman. After all, they're called representatives for a reason.
redrum said:
... i think you should watch the alex jones documentary:

The Obama Deception

If you consider that "thing" a real documentary, I have this great bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Now, about the director, Alex Jones - this from Wikipedia:

"Alex Jones is a radio talk show host from Texas. He is widely regarded to be a conspiracy theorist, for his belief that the American government is controlled by people that have sinister motives as part of a plot to create a "new world order" to enslave humanity.
Jones maintains several websites and has created numerous documentary movies, such as, "The Obama Deception"


The guy is just another conspiracy peddler, smart enough to make a good living by scaring gullible people.

So, Redrum, please stay in your little conspiracy bubble, and I'll stay in my own bubble. Let's see which one bursts first. Have a good life...!:D
TallMike said:
In my book, the measure of a politician is the extent of the changes he affects during his tenure, not the minutiae of every bow and handshake.

I have to strongly disagree with you on that one, but then the thinking on that very statement is often the difference between a liberal and a conservative. I don't know if you have decided which side of the aisle you fall on, so I'm not commenting on your beliefs directly, just using your statement as a starting point.

The fact is, many conservatives now actually feel that Clinton was one of our best recent presidents (aside from Reagan, of course). Why is that? Because specifically he didn't really do very much. He didn't gum up the works.

A lot of us feel that the government (and by extension, as leader of the government, the president) should be a steward for the people, not an activist to give the people things - whether one group or the other thinks those things are good or not. Republicans are as bad at getting "things" as the Democrats, they just get different stuff, but both sides are almost always wasteful.

In fact, Clinton started off almost as far left as Obama, but when he realized that the people in general didn't want changes that big, he came back toward center and aside from blowjobs, he had a very successful presidency because he was a steward and not an activist.

On the other hand, we now have a president and leaders of congress who are in power specifically to be activists, to make sweeping changes that a majority of the people don't want, at least not how it was presented to the people. They have explicitly stated that they will do whatever it takes, no matter the opposition, to pass the things that THEY think are good for the country.

I'll take a steward over an activist every damned time.

TallMike said:
Discussing past events will do nothing to change them, so instead of engaging in more of this coffee shop revolutionary drivel, why not check out the docket and give influencing the future a shot. Take your comments and put them in a letter to your congressman. After all, they're called representatives for a reason.

Those who don't study the past are doomed to repeat it.

I think it makes a lot of good sense to discuss things like this, but without calling either side names. The idiotic bickering, started in part because Obama made a lot of backroom deals to get something passed that has the most wide-reaching changes to the country since Social Security, has got to stop. Of course, he made those backroom deals EXACTLY OPPOSITE to some of most important (to many of us) campaign promises, such as open-ness of what the government is doing, which after George Bush we really wanted and needed but Obama let us down big time on that. In this regard Obama is just as bad as Bush and it should be talked about - a lot.

And when something like the Tea Party movement starts up, the "side" that is currently in power is doing everything they can to discredit it. It is a movement that is really not related to the Republican party, although it is mostly made up of conservatives (and more fiscal conservatives than social conservatives). It is a movement that is trying honestly to change things by getting enough people with the same sort of ideals to try to change the way Washington works by putting people in office who will listent o the people and not the PACs.

It amazes me some of the distortions and lies that have been told in an attempt to make a legitimate movement look like a bunch of whack jobs. It also cracks me up how a bunch of Republicans have started making noises like real conservatives now that the Tea Party movement has grown - but they are in as much trouble as the Democrats!

Tea Partiers, for the most part, really don't give a rat's ass if the person they are supporting is Democrat or Republican, as long as they show themselves to be fiscally responsible and willing to listen to their consituents. The crap that Obama and the Democrats have pushed down the throats of Americans through backroom dealing is far from fiscally responible or representative.

Our representatives don't "represent" us. It takes large groups of people to put fear into our representatives. It's a shame that we have to threaten them like that (not physically! not with violence!), but really, very few representatives "represent" the desires of their consituency. Had this been the case, the bill that Obama signed into law a couple of weeks ago would never have passed in its current form.

That's all very much worth talking about.