Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

mini said:
There is NO mystery. The "mystery" is in your head.

He's already shown his birth certificate. Done. It's a NON ISSUE. What don't you understand about this? Seriously?

he's already shown it? really? when did he do that? i was not aware of it. if he's already shown it then why are so many still asking to see it?

could you please paste to me a link or some piece of info where i can read about it. thanks mini. seriously.
Choripán said:
And when did YOU contribute any thoughtful information? Since when does questioning Obama's patriotism (in the original sense of that word) constitute a meaningful contribution to public debate about his merits as a political leader in America?

When you say something silly, people are going to laugh at you. When you say something stupid, they're going to call you a moron. And you have successfully achieved both in a single post. Yet when you offer something insightful, they will respond in kind. Of course, we're all still waiting for that opportunity.

What cracks me up about you crazy right-wing nutters is that you're so fucking blind in your partisanship that you can't even see how ridiculous you look when you try to pitch this kind of foolishness in public. Is calling out Barack Obama as a merely a naturalized rather than native citizen really the best you got? Dear god you MUST be joking. As an alternative I suggest next time you try to show us "sycophants" how Obama's POLICIES rather than his IDENTITY are bad for a America.

But let's face it: FOR RIGHT-WINGERS LIKE YOU POLICY AND IDENTITY ARE THE SAME THING. So when you say that Barack Obama wasn't born in America, what you really mean to say is that he's black and that no black man can legitimately occupy the white house.

You are lucky that the world only laughs at you for something like that.

sounds like you've got some anger management issues to deal with my friend.

unfortunately you are drinking heavy amounts of the kool aid. you internalize any attacks against obama as attacks against yourself. this is because you, like so many others, have been literally brainwashed by the mainstream media propaganda that is brand obama.

You have been conditioned to believe that anybody who criticizes obama must be a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only ppl perpetuating the racism are ppl such as you who continue to demonize anybody who criticizes your demi god obama.

obama is more than just a man to you. he is a brand. you like him because of the way he makes you feel about yourself. you have emotional investment in him. this is why you get so emotionally upset whenever anybody makes what in your mind are outlandish accusations against your president.

first what you need to understand is that i am not a right winger as you put it. I am a political atheist. i believe in the constitution. I do not belong to either party because both parties have been co-opted. Both parties are one in the same. They both work for the same team. In short, there is no difference between democrat or republican at the upper levels.

If you have read my previous posts then you know that I am not anti obama. I am against obama for the same reasons I was against bush. Neither man works or has worked for the American ppl.

But since you asked for it so much here are just a few items about obama's politics:

Before he was elected he said he would do the following:

Close Guantanamo - it's still open
Repeal the patriot act - he renewed it
Not use signing statements - he fully plans to use them
Stop wars abroad - he's increased them
Stop the stimulus bailouts - they only increased

Again I repeat this is not an attack against obama. This has nothing to do with obama. the real banker agenda has never changed. The real enemies are obama's handlers, the faces you never see, the puppet masters, the crooks on wall st., the mega bankers, mega corporations et al.

those are the ones we need to be fighting against, not ourselves.
mini said:
There is NO mystery. The "mystery" is in your head.

He's already shown his birth certificate. Done. It's a NON ISSUE. What don't you understand about this? Seriously?

He has shown his live birth certificate yes. But I think what redrum is getting at here is why has he spent so much money sealing his records? What does he have to hide? And also, why hasn't he showed his real birth certificate?
Personally I think these issues are not very important. But I clearly disagree with the statement that "the mystery is in your head".

I rather see you justify why you still defend Obama when clearly all his talk about change was just pure BS. Like redrum said several times; this man is just a continuation of Bush. Now if in practice he is carrying out the same policies as Bush, how come you are still defending him?
orwellian said:
I rather see you justify why you still defend Obama when clearly all his talk about change was just pure BS. Like redrum said several times; this man is just a continuation of Bush. Now if in practice he is carrying out the same policies as Bush, how come you are still defending him?

It's fine, as Choripan said, if you want to talk about his record, go for it. I'm not particularly interested in joining in that discussion. However, I do find all the bull shit about "the mystery of Obama" ridiculous.

orwellian said:
He has shown his live birth certificate yes. But I think what redrum is getting at here is why has he spent so much money sealing his records? What does he have to hide? And also, why hasn't he showed his real birth certificate?
Personally I think these issues are not very important. But I clearly disagree with the statement that "the mystery is in your head".

A certificate of live birth, IS a REAL birth certificate. It is what is issued by the state of Hawaii and certified by the state. If you were born in Hawaii & wanted to get a resident visa that is what would be issued & what you would get "apostilized" by whatever authority and bring to migraciones. People who don't believe that it's real are just playing games (or they are completely stupid). I'd like to believe it's the first. But considering the issue won't die, I'm afraid it might be the second.

He's hasn't "spent money sealing his records". People's records are sealed by default. People, including the president of the US have a right to privacy.

What's been hidden exactly? What's your question? Which records do you feel you need to see, never mind what makes you think you have a right to see them? And how does any of this make him ineligible to be president?

For someone who professes to be so 'aware' I find it surprising that you would believe any of this nonsense. Makes me think you just read any old supposedly "alternative" internet site & go with that. To what end is beyond me.
redrum said:
he's already shown it? really? when did he do that? i was not aware of it. if he's already shown it then why are so many still asking to see it?

could you please paste to me a link or some piece of info where i can read about it. thanks mini. seriously.

People keep asking because they are stupid. I can't think of any other reason. Can you?
mini said:
It's fine, as Choripan said, if you want to talk about his record, go for it. I'm not particularly interested in joining in that discussion. However, I do find all the bull shit about "the mystery of Obama" ridiculous.

A certificate of live birth, IS a REAL birth certificate. It is what is issued by the state of Hawaii and certified by the state. If you were born in Hawaii & wanted to get a resident visa that is what would be issued & what you would get "apostilized" by whatever authority and bring to migraciones. People who don't believe that it's real are just playing games (or they are completely stupid). I'd like to believe it's the first. But considering the issue won't die, I'm afraid it might be the second.

He's hasn't "spent money sealing his records". People's records are sealed by default. People, including the president of the US have a right to privacy.

What's been hidden exactly? What's your question? Which records do you feel you need to see, never mind what makes you think you have a right to see them? And how does any of this make him ineligible to be president?

For someone who professes to be so 'aware' I find it surprising that you would believe any of this nonsense. Makes me think you just read any old supposedly "alternative" internet site & go with that. To what end is beyond me.

records may or may not be sealed by default. records can however be purposefully made to be inaccessible. i'm not saying he is or isn't a US citizen. i said that i have doubts about the man's past. i am allowed to have doubts without being maligned am i not?

indulge me then. why spend $1.4m to have all his records sealed? i'm not saying we need to see everything. you however seem to be on the other extreme. you're comfortable with seeing next to nothing.

the truth is that we know the least amount about this president than any other in history.

interesting video:

Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya
AlexfromLA said:
lol @ where this thread went. I'll just sit back and lol from here on out.

lol you've got to be kidding me right? this is a digitally generated document that i could make up myself on photoshop. as far as an ad in the newspaper, that proves nothing. lol.

surely you jest.

again, re read my previous post. why spend $1.4m to seal all his records?
AlexfromLA said:
I am publicly asking you to leave me alone. Ive read your posts and i have no interest in socializing with someone like you.
read. Now please leave me alone.
mini said:
It's fine, as Choripan said, if you want to talk about his record, go for it. I'm not particularly interested in joining in that discussion. However, I do find all the bull shit about "the mystery of Obama" ridiculous.

I just told you that I am not interested in it either. But I am interested to know why you still defend him. I have kept iterating that questions in this thread several times and I believe no one has been able to answer that question.

mini said:
A certificate of live birth, IS a REAL birth certificate. It is what is issued by the state of Hawaii and certified by the state.

It is not a real birth certificate. A real one would be the one that is issued to you by the hospital when you are born. But again, I agree this is not particular interesting.

I rather you answered me this:

orwellian said:
I rather see you justify why you still defend Obama when clearly all his talk about change was just pure BS. Like redrum said several times; this man is just a continuation of Bush. Now if in practice he is carrying out the same policies as Bush, how come you are still defending him?