betts said:In response to BlahBlah's cash up front suggestion, here was my experience with that. The young couple was willing to prepay 6 months rent in advance, in lieu of the guarantia. This was for a 2 year lease unfurnished. There wasn't an owner that would touch it, they wanted that guarantia. One owner was willing to discuss a rental without a guarantia but they wanted one year's rent as a deposit not a prepayment. That means they would hold that money until the end of the lease term. Of course that would be crazy and young couple wouldn't even consider it.
So throwing money at the problem did not in this case seem to solve the problem. This is what I mean by what might make sense to us (ie prepay rent) doesn't make sense in this market.
I have a different experience but I never paid more then 3,4 months and the market now is definitly different then in 2008,2007. I am sure it will work