rivardco said:
Are the people more Indian or from immigrant stock?
They still are mostly immigrant stock, but they've got a fair representation of Indian. (I could just go off on a un-PC tangent right now, but I'll refrain.)
It's got a pedestrian street that ends up at Plaza San Martin, kind of like another city I know...
But it like Albuquerque or something. South, on the road from Salta to Cafayate, it's like going through New Mexico & Arizona (not Palm Springs) because there is a ton of red clay stuff.
Salta is kind of the gateway to the Indigenous areas. North, in the Jujuy province, you have Pumamarca, Salinas, Tilcara, Humuaca (sp? on all of them) where you can buy really cheap wool hats and hooded sweaters that scream "I'm a tourist who traveled to the north!!!
" You will be totally unique, just like 10s of thousands of other tourists. (Count me as one of those unics.)
And as slow as Buenos Aires is, Salta is much much slower.