What's Up With The Price Of Onions?

Why all that drama? :rolleyes:

It's so simple and natural. Un-onion-friendly weather > lower crops > higher prices. It's just a season! Meanwhile, mandarinas are ridiculously cheap, because there are many, so let's eat them instead, so they don't get rotten. This generation is really weird. Do you sell cheaper than what the market is willing to pay, in given circumstances? I bet you don't. Is it not enough that you can get any kind of fruit or vegetable at any time of the year? Ah, you also want it cheap, because it always has been? Come on, you can still afford your onions, if you need them so badly. Where are those generations who used to thank heaven for every ounce of rice or wheat they were given?

Personally, I prefer to favour whatever is in full season and full abundance (= cheap). I like this market. It beautifully reflects what comes from the hand of God and what doesn't, at the moment. I believe in universal sync rather than coincidence, therefore my life is cheaper. Easy as that.
Welllllll....onions aren't exactly a luxury item. And I call BS on the weather as the single factor since the price fluctuates way too rapidly. If there is a shortage, it would last for more than a week ;)

I eat generally in season but the reality is - onions and tomatoes are a staple in cooking here. I know for us, we use a kilo of onions, potatoes tomatoes etc every few days, esp since we cook for large quantities of people every day and so generally do pastas, guisos, etc.
What came as even bigger surprise to me are prices in smaller rural places in provincia, where quality is even worse and prices higher. They told me it's because mercado central is more far.. In the middle of farms!

Very true I visit several small cities on Ruta 5 around 150 kms from Capital. The quality of fruits and veggies is not even fit to feed pigs, lettuces are all dry and old, also the apples are all small and with worm spots. Disgusting, prices same as capital.
I more meant that onions are a pretty big staple of cooking here across all economic sectors- see tortillas, guisos, pasta, et al ;)

This is the kind of conversation one usually hears in either small isolated islands or Communist countries.
You win, I'll set up my own patch of shallots and keep the kingdom
which reminds me,
in times of scarcity or boredom you can always regrow your onions. Don't be put off by the highly technical specs and imported equipment involved: