Where can I find American products?


Sep 28, 2011
Hi, my name is Julian I live in Buenos Aires. I was wondering if anyone here knows where to find american imported food products. For example, I'm trying to find dunkin donuts coffee. I know it might be hard to find, but maybe there is some american grocery store or something like that! (I remember finding a couple of argentinean grocery stores in the US).
Thanks! Julian
If you use the search function and type in "barrio chino," you will find threads with titles that are usually along the lines of "Where to Find Baked Beans/Coconut Oil/Macaroni and Cheese/Brown Sugar/Thai Food". The answers for ingredient threads are almost always that something can be found in in barrio chino (a part of Belgrano), that the product used to exist here but doesn't anymore, or that the product doesn't exist here and never did.

If you've never been much of a chef, start now, and do it from scratch. There are no American grocery stores here, but in barrio chino you can find things like okay tortilla chips and siracha sauce that you might miss from home. Many will tell you to buy your seafood there as well.
Sometimes you can find certain products in the bigger supermarkets, but it's hit or miss (mostly miss.) And if you do find what you're looking for, chances are it's going to be expensive. Can't say I've ever seen Dunkin Donuts Coffee here... there used to be Dunkin Donuts in Argentina but they closed down a very long time ago.
i've noticed recently more and more "supermercados chino" around the place are stocking more imported products.

A couple round me have peanut butter and various sauces now.
What brand is the peanut butter scottswan? If it's Damemani then it's local...
yeah they have damemani, la campina and a couple of other types. All are local brands but as good as sunpat and other peanut butter i've had round the world.