Where To Find Canned Chicken And Veg Broth


Mar 23, 2011
what is the company name.

if you have it, please post a picture too

thank you
What about the chicken or vegetable bouillon cubes widely available? I used to boil the cubes in water with a very small bit of chicken or leftovers to make broth..
Last time I was in Canada I bought chicken in cans at Costco - it was awful - and since it was Costco I was stuck with 6 cans...

Stick with Chicken of the Sea if you are going with cans.
Not to hijack this thread but does anybody know where they sell cottage cheese ?
Ricota cheese is not quite the same, unless you know a particular brand of it that is more like the US cottage cheese.
I used to buy the chicken in a can in chunks back in the USA. So I'm also interested in that too.
For hard to find products like Mascarpone Cheese, suggest Kalimnos Deli at various locations

I never understoood what these damn cubes are meant for!

The cubes are Fat, Essence of Chicken (or Veggies?? or Beef), and MSG/Salt.

They are an excellent starter for soups, curries, and even pots o' beans (porotos). The MSG probably isn't doctor recommended, but I usually don't end up adding any salt to my creations. ESPCIALLY if I include and cute pork (jamón crudo o panceta).

The cubes can save you an hour or three and can be kept in your cupboard or fridge for months taking up a fraction of the space of a whole chicken.