Where To Live In Ba

Alright, Greg2231 & Frenchie; that sounds pretty crappy, then I should perhaps keep looking....Thank you for the info! :)
Honestly, any area at the ''right'' side of Avenida 9 de Julio in San Telmo should be completely fine, but take a look at the following thread: http://baexpats.org/topic/25604-question-balvanera-rincon a lot of good suggestions there
Yogur, it's time someone tells you, you are not a Swedish girl in your 20s! :p
From the sensational tone of your previous post I got the impression that you are in fact a gorgeous cute Française ;)

There ies noffing moar yummy dan a biutiful French woooomàn.
It was more the environment actually of UCA. I speak spanish fluently and I have argentinian hermanas from life, from even before I decided to study ain Buenos Aires. But in UCA most high school clicks continued studing together in univsity and they were a very closed group and not very buena onda with outsids in general. I was told similar things by international students in SAn Andres, a bit less with Di Tella. Also i
It was more the environment actually of UCA. I speak spanish fluently and I have argentinian hermanas from life, from even before I decided to study ain Buenos Aires. But in UCA most high school clicks continued studing together in univsity and they were a very closed group and not very buena onda with outsids in general. I was told similar things by international students in SAn Andres, a bit less with Di Tella. Also i

I guess lucky for you, your spanish is flawless and you didnt need the friends cause you have so many local friends already :rolleyes:

I have friends that have studied there (and other universities) and say that international students that are studying at their unis, on exchange etc dont tend to socialise and stay in their own groups as well. In fact, just last week one was telling me he has 2 Americans in his class but he doesnt know if they speak Spanish because hes never heard them speak and they stick to themselves.

I would think if the OP is open to make new friends, she will. Argentinians are definitely loyal friends and can have their fixated groups but most see Uni as an opportunity to create a second group, make contacts etc etc. I reckon if the OP goes out of her way, she will be fine.

As I suggested earlier, a great way to make local friends (whether it be Argentines or from other Sth American countries) may be to try and live in a shared house, or something like that as well. Join clubs (whether it be sports, arts etc) as well. She is from Europe, Argentines are immediately going to be interested, and even if not the girls definitely the guys :p
You're going to get so many opinions asking about neighborhoods. San Telmo is the best neighborhood ever!!! (Me and everyone who lives in San Telmo, lol.) San Telmo is the worst, what a hole!!! (Everyone who lives in Palermo/rich neighborhoods.) If you do choose San Telmo, make sure it's actually San Telmo. That place on Salta...I would also say hell no. That is in Constitución. North of Independencia on that side of 9 de Julio is Monserrat. I lived there and liked it a lot, but once you get down to Independencia I don't think it's a good place for anyone to live, much less a newcomer. The vibe changes immediately. Over on the other side of 9 de Julio in San Telmo, I'd say you're good until avenida San Juan.

Why live alone as a study abroad student? You're European and porteños love Europeans for friendship and romance/sex--especially blonde ones--but even so, if I were you I'd look for a shared house in San Telmo proper. It will be fun and you'll have people to go out with. Lots of nightlife in and around San Telmo; share cabs to hit Palermo on the weekends and you won't miss anything. You'll also be walking distance to UCA, which believe me is preferable to a 45-minute bus journey every day coming from one of the neighborhoods your school recommended (that's with light traffic). My study abroad friends who went to UCA and lived in San Telmo had the time of their lives. They still talk about it.
I would also recommend that you live with people, especially for such a short period of time. Its a good way to meet people!
I have never used this website but I have had friends that did and they were happy. You would definitely be living with at least one person but you would definitely have your own room. You can filter the results with the advanced search function as well. http://spareroomsba.com. I stayed in Palermo when I first came here...I am in Barrio Norte now.
San Telmo is nice but my only 2 issues are...lack of subte in the heart of San Telmo and it is a bit sketchy at night. I agree with the other poster about Monserrat. I have friends who bought in that area...they love it and they have a nice size place but I wouldn't go there if it is your first time here and you are only going to be here for 6 months.