Who is Hugo Moyano?

Ladys and gentlemans, now you all know this man, i hoppe you understand us a little bit more for everyhing we cross throug the last decades... Imagine an complete goberment sistem full of guys like this one... Which country can survive with that??, simply no way.. After 2001-2002 crisis the country started a cleanees process from this kind of "politicans" ....but the magic doesnt exist, and they just cant all be erased so easy, its matter of time.
He is a person so physically repulsive that I can barely look at him...he is a person who makes corruption and theft a family business. To use a NJ anachronism...he's a douche leading people too uneducated and brainwashed to know any better.
LostinBA said:
He is a person so physically repulsive that I can barely look at him...he is a person who makes corruption and theft a family business. To use a NJ anachronism...he's a douche leading people too uneducated and brainwashed to know any better.

There are plenty individuals like these here. Macri is educated (title probably pay off by his father, who knows?) but that doesn't make any difference at all it still the same caca, only with different color and smell, well...all the caca smell the same, the problem is that in this country many people are smell impaired they have a total loss of the sense of smell...I'm sure dogs are the culprits of all this.
LostinBA said:
He is a person so physically repulsive that I can barely look at him...he is a person who makes corruption and theft a family business. To use a NJ anachronism...he's a douche leading people too uneducated and brainwashed to know any better.

Lucas said:
There are plenty individuals like these here.
Hugo Moyano is not a person to be taken lightly. He is the president of the CGT, The "Confederacion General de Trabajo". He means business. When I first came here and I saw and heard the events related to him, I of course like many of you was repulsed and thought if his actions as thuggery. However here in lovely Argentina, you are subject to all kinds of abuses, there are workers who don´t get their salary paid on time, or it gets shorted, or you don´t get it at all sometimes, you go to the government and they do ABSOLUTELY nothing for you, lawsuits take literally decades to be resolved, the same government ABUSES honest people, the city employees try to squeeze bribes out of people, and Hugo Moyano is Argentine and he knows what this country is all about. He heads them off at the pass, he puts up a strong front and stands behind his union brothers and defends them like nobody else. Nobody in any company dares to mess with the truckers. He kind of reminds me of Al Sharpton, if any of you from New York City remember him, he was mean, used insults and threats to defend what he thought he needed to, people thought he was the worst animal on the planet, but you know what he once ran for public office and nearly won, with hardly any campaign budget. That's what happens when the "establishment" is viewed as corrupt and inefficient, people go for the alternative whether its good for everyone or not, they back the person who stands behind their needs.
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