Why aren't there more expats in Uruguay?


Sep 20, 2018
Seems nicer... can't believe I spent four years in Argentina and didn't come here earlier.
Uruguay is small, slow, and sleepy. Its also expensive. There are a fair amount of expats there- they keep their lambos and range rovers in their million dollar summer houses. I once saw an original Shelby Cobra in Jose Ignacio, with Uruguayan plates.
Alexander Vik, for example, had a Urugayan mother, but, to quote Forbes, "as a Norwegian who was raised in Sweden and schooled in the Canary Islands, Vik attended Harvard, where he won the Ivy League golf championship--twice. He brought up his children in an eight-bedroom Greenwich, Conn. mansion that once belonged to a Rockefeller heir, but he claims residence in Monaco."
He has thousands of hectaires and 3 hotels and a fancy ranch in Uruguay.
He is their target market for expats.
I have met wealthy Argentines who go there to visit their money...
Because the only thing most expats really care about is how cheap Argentina is, and Uruguay is as expensive as some first world countries
Correct. I know U.S. economic refugees who have been here for years and still have a Spanish vocabulary of fewer than 30 words. They have no real Argentino friends. The furthest they might have traveled is Tigre. And they could care less. It's all about monthly cash flow, and Argentina is more comfortable than Bolivia.
Could you argue that culturally the two are very similar countries (I see memes comparing Uruguay to Shelbyville in the Simpsons) and henceforth the only material differences for expats are size of country, cost of living, ease of immigration procedures and presumably Argentina wins on most of these fronts
Seems nicer... can't believe I spent four years in Argentina and didn't come here earlier.
We used to live in Pocitos and while we enjoyed it, we now love living in Palermo Chico--- and the convenience of flying from Newberry to Mendoza or Bariloche or Salta on a whim. Eze international flights more varied too.
I'm in the process of deciding between Uruguay and Chile and one of the cons regarding Uruguay is the landscape. From afar it appears flat, largely featureless, and nothing special. Granted, this is where I'm coming from so anyplace else may pale in comparison: https://realestate.co.jp/en/forsale/view/999046
From the sky, I’ve never seen a flatter place. Though I quite like it, maybe because my city is just as flat