Why Do Argentines Like Room Temp Warm And Stuffy?


Mar 25, 2007
Am I the only one who constantly feels uncomfortable in homes and public places in Argentina because of high room temperature? Admittedly I prefer cool temperatures and fresh air but I find the opposite in Argentina. Windows are often closed, heat cranked up or AC turned on very low. This is the case on trains, buses, in shopping malls, cinemas, offices, homes etc. If the AC is turned up even a little there is in variably someone complaining about how "frio" it is.
Am I the only one who constantly feels uncomfortable in homes and public places in Argentina because of high room temperature? Admittedly I prefer cool temperatures and fresh air but I find the opposite in Argentina. Windows are often closed, heat cranked up or AC turned on very low. This is the case on trains, buses, in shopping malls, cinemas, offices, homes etc. If the AC is turned up even a little there is in variably someone complaining about how "frio" it is.
I hate it. Many years ago you would go into a restaurant and it was pleasantly cool, now it is not the case, I think they are trying to save up on electricity bills...
The minibuses going to the Provincia never turn on the AC, after two hours of 16 passengers breathing is pretty stuffy, I complained but was blamed of suffering from heat rushes...! B) AS Nikad said is to save fuel.
I hate it. Many years ago you would go into a restaurant and it was pleasantly cool, now it is not the case, I think they are trying to save up on electricity bills...

This is true but I also find that a lot of people simply hate cool or fresh air. For example I have opened bus windows and people get angry or at certain social functions where there is AC some people complain that it is cold and ask that it be turned down. Even at "high class" Patio Bullrich it is too hot. They also use TOO MUCH heat in winter and that costs $!
This is true but I also find that a lot of people simply hate cool or fresh air. For example I have opened bus windows and people get angry or at certain social functions where there is AC some people complain that it is cold and ask that it be turned down. Even at "high class" Patio Bullrich it is too hot. They also use TOO MUCH heat in winter and that costs $!

100% true
I am of Finnish extraction and was born in Spokane Washington.
I prefer it warm and stuffy.

Has nothing to do with Argentina.
Some people like to be cold, some people like to be hot.

However, I think its true that the cost of electricity is a big factor on the AC not being turned on.
Lol I hope they raise the price of gas 400% again next winter. It'll hurt me a little bit but if it makes these assholes turn down the heat I'll consider it money well spent.