Why I am not planning on taking the vaccine any time soon, if ever

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People with low immunity will benefit the most taking the vaccine.

Someone with high immunity should not interfere with their own body´s self-healing and would be wiser not taking the vaccine. People who didn´t run to medicine cabinet for every minor little headache. Their body now can deal even with COVID.
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They are already testing the vaccine on babies and young kids... World has gone crazy - only people that need it are those at high risk > 75 years old and obese/diabetes etc. People actually think the vaccine is going to end the whole thing - not happening. WIth all the variants and single dose vaccine causing more mutations this shit will be around a long long time. Not interested in getting annual 2X dose covid shots for the rest of my life either. What happened to the whole 'my body my choice' now we are being forced to get vaccinated. Imagine forcing abortions on women in the name of preventing poverty and improving 'society' and those who refused being shunned from society and not being able to participate.
My views are as follows:

Many people fall into the trap of thinking the vaccine is just a one-off. All the thinking in my country seems to assume this. Their idea is we all take the vaccine in short order this year, that solves the problem, and next year we can open up again and everything will go back to normal. But nobody knows how long these vaccines will last, and it seems reasonable to assume that they won't provide lifelong protection even against the strain they were designed to combat. I assume we are looking at annual shots to protect against prevailing strains to be the new normal.

This has massive implications for some countries. For example, whatever level of vaccinations countries like Australia and New Zealand get to this year will be the historic high watermark. Through a combination of frustration (people angry at the unfulfilled promise of vaccine enabling one to travel again) and apathy (many people don't even vaccinate against the flu, which is everywhere, so once the initial enthusiasm passes such people are unlikely to vaccinate indefinitely against the coronavirus, when it almost completely absent in these countries), fewer people will take the 2022 shot than took the 2021 shot. And fewer again in 2023. And so on. If the outcome of the 2021 vaccine campaign isn't enough to open their borders (and it won't be), then there is no hope of those borders opening in subsequent years as coverage drops further away. These countries haven't worked this out yet. A massive problem for them (and a range of businesses), that will start to dawn on people later this year. I have told friends and family not to expect to see me until the middle of the decade; the border will stay largely closed other than to those willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get on one of the few flights.

Frankly, I prefer to live in a country where the virus is prevalent. Here we don't have the fear of the unknown and are not, as they are in some countries, on the edge of our seats every morning checking websites and wondering whether one rogue case the day before will close an entire city for days on end. I personally feel quite adjusted to the new reality as we live it here. My respiratory health has never been better than over the last twelve months. From that perspective, the pandemic has changed my life for the better and I don't even want to return to behaviors that I now see caused me a lot of damage and cost me a lot of time. With or without a vaccine, I will continue to take care. I am in no rush to take my first vaccine, but will do so when a good opportunity presents. I expect the rollout to be slow and disorganized here and am happy to wait in line.
I think it is body immunity rather than age. Am 80.
obese/diabetes clearly low immunity
IMO it should be up to the individual - how can a person who got vaccinated try tell someone else what to inject into themselves when they are already protected? I don't tell fat people what to eat because it doesn't effect me - the same way a vaccinated person has no right to tell someone else to get vaccinated if they are no longer able to get very sick.
They are already testing the vaccine on babies and young kids... World has gone crazy - only people that need it are those at high risk > 75 years old and obese/diabetes etc. People actually think the vaccine is going to end the whole thing - not happening. WIth all the variants and single dose vaccine causing more mutations this shit will be around a long long time. Not interested in getting annual 2X dose covid shots for the rest of my life either. What happened to the whole 'my body my choice' now we are being forced to get vaccinated. Imagine forcing abortions on women in the name of preventing poverty and improving 'society' and those who refused being shunned from society and not being able to participate.
That's a good example of what concerns me going forward.
It's always wise to be cautious and do your own due diligence.

That being said, I probably won't be taking any information seriously from a website with the url corona123news.wordpress.com with links about 5g, mail in ballots and microchips.

I'm relatively young and in good health, not sure if I'll take it yet. I have never had a flu shot either. There is a cost - benefit to everything. I'll see how everything pans out this year.

I'm sure there are many things that are much worse for your health like Coca-Cola.
It's always wise to be cautious and do your own due diligence.

That being said, I probably won't be taking any information seriously from a website with the url corona123news.wordpress.com with links about 5g, mail in ballots and microchips.

I'm relatively young and in good health, not sure if I'll take it yet. I have never had a flu shot either. There is a cost - benefit to everything. I'll see how everything pans out this year.

I'm sure there are many things that are much worse for your health like Coca-Cola.
Coca Cola - NEVER DRINK IT! (Never had a flu shot either. I think I may have had the flu once when I was younger, that's it.)
i have never taken a flu vaccination. just got my first shot and waiting for the second. its the pfizer. you usually get sick for a day on the second jab. the registration card you receive might be a precondition for international travel to some countries. thinking it might help me return to BA under normal conditions. i have a home there and was chased out last march. my state is arizona in the US. the governor has done a really good job of making vaccines available to anyone, including winter visitors and non residents. if your in the state you get an opportunity to be vaccinated. they are well organized. my girlfriend of 13 years signed up on the state website, from colombia, and received her first on sunday. walgreens on there website offers an appointment same day. my opinion is we should do anything available to stop the transmission in cluding wearing masks in public and washing your hands. masks stopped the the flu and cold season. for all my state is and there’s alot not to like in the international community if you dont understand the dynamics of border states with mexico, they got this right. keep you eye on texas, they opened up the state including no masks.
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