Why I am not planning on taking the vaccine any time soon, if ever

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Jul 27, 2006
During the first few months of the "pandemic" (and especially after DJT announced Operation Warp Speed), I began to wonder why it would be so urgent to receive a vaccination against a corona virus that, even in my age bracket, has a 96% survival rate for those who actually contract the illness and has a far lower mortality rate for younger individuals.

I was also concerned that a rush to grant emergency use of a vaccine that had not been thoroughly tested (even on animals) might not be such a good idea. I also found several sources that assert that it isn't actually possible to develop an effective vaccine against any corona virus as they will mutate continuously.

With an increasing number of countries halting the administration of at least two of the vaccines, I am less likely than ever to voluntarily receive any vaccine against covid 19.

I am not an "antivaxer" and in the past ten years I've received vaccinations for hepatitis, pneumonia, and tetanus.

It simply looks like the cure for covid 19 might be far worse than the illness itself and the fact that a number of countries have already stopped administering at least two of the vaccines makes me even more reluctant to be vaccinated than I was a few months ago.
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More than 24 million people in the UK have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine - part of the biggest inoculation programme the country has ever launched.

BTW that Blog links to a book, the 1 star reviews are hilarious to say the least.
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Me too.
I´ll not vaccinate.
Impossible I dodged the bullet for the last 14 or 15 month. Guessing but absolutely sure my 80 years old body got the virus and generated the anti-bodies. Listo. Hopefully when it mutates my body can do it again. Did not and will not bother doing even testing.
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The best way to end an epidemic of this magnitude that already killed millions is through mass vaccination for the entire world. This epidemic will continue killing people, and the virus will have many chances to evolve if a large portion of humanity is not vaccinated fast. Trust in science. The messenger DNA technology is a marvelous advancement that shortened the vaccine development timeline. No steps were skipped in testing for harmful effects.
During the first few months of the "pandemic" (and especially after DJT announced Operation Warp Speed), I began to wonder why it would be so urgent to receive a vaccination against a corona virus that, even in my age bracket, has a 96% survival rate for those who actually contract the illness and has a far lower mortality rate for younger individuals.

I was also concerned that a rush to grant emergency use of a vaccine that had not been thoroughly tested (even on animals) might not be such a good idea. I also found several sources that assert that it isn't actually possible to develop an effective vaccine against any corona virus as they will mutate continuously.

With an increasing number of countries halting the administration of at least two of the vaccines, I am less likely than ever to voluntarily receive any vaccine against covid 19.

I am not an "antivaxer" and in the past ten years I've received vaccinations for hepatitis, pneumonia, and tetanus.

It simply looks like the cure for covid 19 might be far worse than the illness itself and the fact that a number of countries have already stopped administering at least two of the vaccines makes me even more reluctant to be vaccinated than I was a few months ago.

Governments, politicians, financial elites, big tech, etc ... are putting people and society through quite a lot in terms of FORCED CHANGE.

This has been a successful experiment in controlling the masses and re programming society.

Personal liberties have been taken away, travel has been restricted and any dissenting voices have been silenced. (There is a decent chunk of the public who have been fooled and are the boots on the ground beating dissenters down for the movement.) All the while the average person has become very dependent upon assistance to ride out the storm. In short, they seem to have the average person right where they want her / him to be.

This is all very concerning to me.

I fear if a person does not submit to vaccination, they will pay a price not yet fully determinable. But it does seem that their ability to travel will be a part of the price as well as their ability to socialize in general.

I personally like my chances to survive an exposure to the virus. I am not of an advanced age, I have no pre existing conditions, I am healthy and fit.

People should be outraged for what has transpired. It's quite possible the future will see quite a lot in the way of opposition one way or another.

We shall see.
The best way to end an epidemic of this magnitude that already killed millions is through mass vaccination for the entire world. This epidemic will continue killing people, and the virus will have many chances to evolve if a large portion of humanity is not vaccinated fast. Trust in science. The messenger DNA technology is a marvelous advancement that shortened the vaccine development timeline. No steps were skipped in testing for harmful effects.
I am in my thirties, relatively healthy, and there's a chance I already had COVID without knowing, like many of us. I think I am in a solid position to see what happens. I am probably fairly low down the list of people who will get a vaccination in a country that is already taking its merry time rolling them out. I think I am looking at a year, two, or maybe more before I up for a vaccination in Argentina. That gives me time to see what happens with this situation.

I am not against the vaccination, although I can see the concerns of people on the other side. Especially someone like Steve, who I understand leads a relatively secluded life in a rural area.
For me, I will take any vaccine for any illness I see poses a threat to me or the society in which I live, provided that it has been tested in a transparent way and without any harmful side effects.

There is a big difference between efficacy and harmfulness. There is also a difference between that and governments exploiting a sanitary emergency for their own gain. For me, a lack of the former or presence of the later is no reason to forego a COVID vaccine in general.

The long term efficacy of any COVID vaccine remains to be proven. AstraZeneca is, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, already considered "useless" against the South African strain of COVID. It does not mean that it or other vaccines are "useless" at minimising your overall risk of getting severely ill from COVID. With low expectations, then at a minimum it could be considered just like an annual flu vaccine.

A flu vaccine is no guarantee you won't get a flu but at least it minimises your risk. If enough people reduce their risk, then society as a whole can get back to normal - even if COVID continues to exist, as it will, alongside more deadly illnesses like TB, Polio, Meningitis, Measles etc for which vaccines have helped to keep under control so that humans can develop and thrive. Imagine (or remember) geriatric healthcare systems in the winter without the flu vaccine or what they would look like if TB was still the biggest killer because there were no vaccines - we would face less "first world problems" and more "survival problems" making it harder to "enjoy" life and its freedoms. Just like people in the developing world still face. We should not take vaccines and functioning healthcare systems for granted - there was a time when the average life expectancy was 35 and in some countries it is still as low as 53.

While a small handful of people may suffer harmful reactions from a vaccine during its development, it is important to maintain perspective of how many cases and if we know beyond reasonable doubt that it was the vaccine at fault.
The cautious approach and investigation we are seeing now in many European countries after a tiny number of persons who received the AstraZeneca vaccine died should be respected because this indicates that this particular vaccine has the potential to be harmful IF proven to be linked to the vaccine. IF it was just a coincidence then old-fashioned superstition is no reason to discard that or all vaccines.
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