Winter ( The worst is yet to come )


Jun 20, 2006
Winter has barely started and we are already seeing below zero temperatures . Weather experts are predicting that this year will be one of the coldest on records with a very high chance of snow in Buenos Aires .
Good! I misses the two blizzards that hit DC the winter after I left and I'm still upset about it. Call me crazy, but I hope we get some snow here.
Well - I've spent most of my years in places without snow - but the few times I've had it I've actually enjoyed it - so I say bring it on :) Snowball fights in BA? Bring it on :)
I do not mind winter as long as there are blue skies which is most often the case in Argentina. The winters are definetly getting colder and snow is becoming more common close to Buenos Aires . Most of the provincial coast from Mar Del Plata to Miramar got a coating of snow last night.
July is (on average) the coldest month of the year in BA, but it looks like it will be much too warm to snow in the next ten days:

Average daily lows in August are almost 9 degrees. Unless it snows in BA during the last two weeks of July I think well have to wait 'til next year...again.

If Argentina does experience a severely cold winter perhaps the glaciers will grow.

On the other hand, if it wasn't for global warming the area that is known today as New York City would still be burried under a mile of ice.
Complaining about cold in BA is a bit silly to me. Nor does this winter seem to be much colder than the previous 3 winters i spent in BA. The 2 hour snow on July 4th 2007 could only be an event for people who never saw snow.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that i'm russian, but BA still has sunny/very tepid winter.
If you think for one second that July in Buenos Aires is unbearable, try Lima. Every day is 16 degrees and the sky is covered by a primordial soup of gray clouds the entire month. London must feel like Tahiti in comparison.

At least the food in Lima makes it bearable. :D
Lima is famous for being a very depressing place, weather-wise. BA has the sunny winter days, but the humidity makes them very cold in your bones. Northern Patagonia has the cold and the snow, but being dry I don´t suffer the cold like here in BA.
So far the days start out very cold but go up ten degrees during the day. That is amazing. And yeah, I love the blue skies, and the fact that the sun actually still gives heat. Beats a London winter any day (beats a London spring and autumn too, for that matter!) ;)