Winter ( The worst is yet to come )

This is the coldest??? it's not even humid ...
try humid + cold...
I love the blue sky too...
this crazy weather has been ocurring all over the world

hey, it snowed in San Francisco, CA, I hope it snows here!
sounds like San Francisco, CA in the summer...or everyday of the year.....

philamote said:
If you think for one second that July in Buenos Aires is unbearable, try Lima. Every day is 16 degrees and the sky is covered by a primordial soup of gray clouds the entire month. London must feel like Tahiti in comparison.

At least the food in Lima makes it bearable. :D
pennaigor said:
Complaining about cold in BA is a bit silly to me. Nor does this winter seem to be much colder than the previous 3 winters i spent in BA. The 2 hour snow on July 4th 2007 could only be an event for people who never saw snow.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that i'm russian, but BA still has sunny/very tepid winter.

Yes, I agree, but of course, in the world there ARE a great number of people who never saw snow!

BTW, I remember the snow on July 9th (not the 4th, you mixed up Independence Days :)), and it was more than 2 hours. Where I lived at that time it was more like 6 hours in patches from 2 pm to midnight.

I'd like to have snowy winters every year in BA...

FYI, these are the highs and lows for the first 5 days of July this year in BA (in C):

11.6 / 1.8
12.3 / -0.6
10.5 / 0.8
13.5 / -0.4
13.9 / 2.4

The average for July is 15.4 / 7.6 for the years 1961-1990
and 14.9 / 7.4 for the years 1981-1990.

Ponimaesh? Ochen' prijatno chto ja mogu govorit' s kem-to po russkij...
Santiago F said:
BTW, I remember the snow on July 9th (not the 4th, you mixed up Independence Days :)), and it was more than 2 hours. Where I lived at that time it was more like 6 hours in patches from 2 pm to midnight.

Ponimaesh? Ochen' prijatno chto ja mogu govorit' s kem-to po russkij...

Alright, 6 hour of puny, barely-visible snow is still nothing compared to 6 months of it in the part of Russia where i lived:) I think people should enjoy things while they last. You'll be remembering cold with envy sometime after October, so better enjoy it now, and look forward for more:)

Сантьяго, рад слышать родную речь от аргентинца.
Of course we are not Northern Europe nor the midwest of the USA but winters in Buenos Aires are getting colder the last few years and this has been confirmed by all weather records.

We are due for more polar waves that will hit their peak in the end of July and early August 2011 .
Where do you get your long range info?
I know most of the weather sites, but I haven't seen this prediction:cool:
At least the next five days will be warm (predicted highs 14-17C and lows 9-15C).
At least frozen dog doo doo doesn't stick to your shoes. [and it makes good hockey pucks]