Yellow Fever Vaccination where best to go?

Be careful to get it at the public clinic. If done by a private clinic it will not have international validity.
Does anyone know, can you get other vaccinations like HepA, Typhoid, etc. at the public clinics as well? Also, is a prescription required for Malaria pills?? Thanks.
Stambulian medical center will give you the vacine with no difficulty
They have offices in different parts of town.
Check it
Good luck
QUOTE=mjake;162772]Dearest friends, I need to get a yellow fever vaccination. Where is the best and safest clinic to get it done?

I know that the yellow fever vaccine should only be administered by specially trained physicians. Where is the place to get it done?

Thank you!!![/QUOTE]
Went there today, the bulding is a piece of shit. Dirty and rundown as hell. But the vaccination process was good and very swift. You get a nice certification too.

The entrance is hard to find, it is on Av Chile, after crossing Huerge coming from paseo colon.
How much was it? My German friend who was doing a medical placement here told me about a clinic where it's free.
Panini said:
How much was it? My German friend who was doing a medical placement here told me about a clinic where it's free.

I just went there also. It's free, you just need your passport. Does your friend know where one can get free or cheap HepA and Typhoid vaccinations? I went to Stambulian for these but they charge almost 500 pesos for the pair.
TheBlackHand said:
I hate live virus vaccines. Where are you going that you need that ? Let me know so I never go.

Got mine for Sudan..add that to the list of Do not visits for the squeamish....;)
Hospital Aleman just told me that they provide the international certificate for yellow fever. But I'm still not 100% trusting of this after other people's comments on this thread. Does anyone know for sure? If not I'll just have to ask before my turno but will be traipsing down there with the whole family...
What countries n South America/Caribean require yellow fever vaccine ? Thailand?