Yes, a another work visa question.


Sep 26, 2007

I have a friend that has a work visa and is going to quit her job because of tough personal reasons. Basically, she can't stand it, its hell. She is aware if she doesn't find a job with a company registered as a foreigner employer, she will loosed her temp visa. She has a boyfriend but they are not ready for marriage (yet). She is aware that she might become a tourist all over again.


Is there any freakin' way to get hold of the list of companies registered at immigrations as employers for foreigners?
I suggest that she doesn't limit her search to companies that are already registered.

Registration in Migraciones to hire non-Mercosur foreign employees is very simple and fast. The company will have to submit a copy of its by-laws, registration of its Board of Directors, copy of last financial statements, tax registration and payments. If the foreign employee will be hired by a natural person, not a company, then that person will have to be of age, submit police records and have no convictions, have his/her real address in Argentina, taxes and payments.

As you see, obtaining registration is mostly just paperwork and bureaucracy. There's no real reason to limit the search to companies that are already registered (esp. considering that they will have to submit their updated documents and tax payments when the foreigner applies for the visa).
Attorney in BA said:
I suggest that she doesn't limit her search to companies that are already registered.

Registration in Migraciones to hire non-Mercosur foreign employees is very simple and fast. The company will have to submit a copy of its by-laws, registration of its Board of Directors, copy of last financial statements, tax registration and payments. If the foreign employee will be hired by a natural person, not a company, then that person will have to be of age, submit police records and have no convictions, have his/her real address in Argentina, taxes and payments.

As you see, obtaining registration is mostly just paperwork and bureaucracy. There's no real reason to limit the search to companies that are already registered (esp. considering that they will have to submit their updated documents and tax payments when the foreigner applies for the visa).

Thank you, I knew it was just submitting paper work but companies tend to think they have to pay lots of money and that the process is hard and might not even consider you after they know your not a mercosur resident. Although, after reading your post, Its really not complicated. Do you suggest she mentions this at the interviews? She already has her CUIL but no DNI.
I don't really know if she should bring it up or not at interviews. Maybe someone with experience in recruiting could help you better with this.

I do think that she should know what's required in case it comes up.

All requirements are listed in Disposition 56647/2005 of the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones.

Having a CUIT/DNI will make no difference. What she needs is someone (a company or a natural person) to sponsor her work visa.