Recent content by Brigadier

  1. B

    For Web developers

    Hi you guys, Im pointing with this post to all Web Developers in this comunity. What I want?, simply: I just want be in touch with anybody who is in the half way between beginer and Semi-Sr level to make a coperative society ( we can start being 2 or 3 only ). The Idea its just get together...
  2. B

    What is your favorite BA restaurant?

    My favourite Rest. its the same favour. rest. of Sting when he comes to BA "LILAS".
  3. B

    Where else to live?

    If you wanna life quality why dont you get your a..s back to the US ?? or japan or any another superpower??. We have good quality life!!.. but this its only affordable for people from HIGH standart of life. I can bet that you dont know how they live their lives. Here its everything what you...
  4. B

    Why expats doesnt like get in love or get an argie partner?

    I had to listened many expat telling that Argentine mans are histeric. I really dont think it be a true, maby in high standart of social clases it be a true, but argentine mans doesnt live only in Palermo. The only thing that I know its that the foreign people are too "prejudiced" about meeting...
  5. B

    Argentinians and emoticons.

    Well I guess I got to explain another thing again. We're not like you (americans specially). Our root comes from Italy and Spain, and they are more expresive than all people from germanic countrys when they talk. So thats why we are more expresive in the oral comunication and also chating, of...
  6. B

    Poverty on the Brain..

    Well youre feeling that any human being from lower middle class its feeling in any country where god never send their bless !!... I think maby we got to change our national anthem, and put somewhere the stanza "..god bless argentinaa..", or "..god bless Cristina..". Maby the thing gonna change...
  7. B

    Argentine Mysteries

    Here its a little resume of our history: we was a great society until the 50's, we was the 6th economy in the world... so... what happen then ¿¿¿ basically the country started to went down. but why??... well it was a slowly and progressive process (only the desition of god could do it); the root...
  8. B

    Argentine Mysteries

    The inefficiency its just a sintoma who left the 2001 socio-economic crisis, when the hell you all gonna understand ???.... I would like to see your countrys cross by the same and I'll point their people defects!
  9. B

    Argentine Mysteries

    You both may know thats a govermet of the city law for help the people to keep in form and evite the accidents (mostly with the old people), cuz as you may know its more easy went down goin down the stairs, specially when there is a lot of people runing to the work!..
  10. B

    Living The Dream

    Rosie my english its not full, but as saw (no ofence) you're a dramatic person, maby too nostlagic to be a traveler. I mean... you shoud'nt know that there is somethings that make differences beetwen the countrys. So going out somewhere looking for fin your homecountry have not too much sense...
  11. B

    For the all Video Games lovers!!,,,

    Whats up guys? I know that many expats use their PC everyday for diferent reasons, one of these reasons could be "entertaining" between others. So, Im just bringing here to all of you a link where you can download a great game (on-line) which who its getting very popular in everywhere! The...
  12. B

    Does China own 10% of Argentina?

    Argentina its not a little peace of s...t as country for to be saling his own to the chineses, and less the 10%!!. You know, it could happen to countrys like Bolivia, Peru, mexico, etc. I think that you've been confused. Dont whorried, it happens..
  13. B

    Whats going on today?

    Hi Phillip, you're invited to my place this afternoon, I got some candys and milk with chocolate..;) hehe. Now seriusly, I think it will be something tonight at the "Mayo Scuare", generaly there is allwise something there each year, but if there is not... we have no another choise that wait...
  14. B

    Advice on studying Spanish in BA?

    Jonathan, BA its not a place to visit for just 3 months. Maby thats why nobody answered to your doubt. Its ok if you wanna learn spanish, but BA City its an experiencie on his self and not a place for just pass. But anyway, about your doubt the only thing that you gotta do, is ask to "Saint...
  15. B

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Dont listen to anybody!... Argentina has a strong economy! growing up again. we're not a super power like before almost '50, but we are in the half way take it for sure, aint gonna be easy but sure we can do it. somewhere back someone talked about dependence on China continuing to buy up all our...