Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

syngirl said:
Steve -- don't think I'm on a hate campaign against Argentina -- if you read my post I do state that what I'm writing is an extremist post though based on fact. And it is. All are facts in there, it just shows how easy it is to write about a subject using facts and make sure that your reader draws conclusions that are either by and large negative or by and large positive.

I never thought that you are on a hate campaign for a second. What made you think I did? Critical analysis (even when negative) is not the same thing as hate. I did not use the term (though I'm about to).

I think Kevin (isn't it time we address him by his name since he shared it with us?) might find life very difficult in CF and I think (at least I hope) he is beginning to realize it. It is the one area, however, where he will be able to find a room in a shared apartment or house and perhaps he can make some money working for expats (if he has some skills). I can't suggest other areas such as Cordoba or Mendoza as I have never been there. Unfortunatley, I can't suggest he move where I am, either. He simply doesn't have the skills or the resources to "survive" here and there are no other expats anywhere near his age (there are none anywhere near my age, either). At least he can make friends with other expats in his age range in CF and perhaps he'll be able to "network" enough to survive.

If he only comes here with $3000 (as I suggested in another thread) and can't support himself here after spending all of it he will have to leave. Why should he come here and spend any more than that in a losing effort? Since he's never been to BA there's also the possibility that, after three to five months (especially if things "go wrong" in any major way) he could actually come to "hate" it, too.
steveinbsas said:
If he only comes here with $3000 (as I suggested in another thread) and can't support himself here after spending all of it he will have to leave. Why should he come here and spend any more than that in a losing effort? Since he's never been to BA there's also the possibility that, after three to five months (especially if things "go wrong" in any major way) he could actually come to "hate" it, too.

Ha, yeah I think we could list numerous examples just from contributors to this forum who loved Argentina from afar but were less than enamoured with the reality.

OP, buy a return ticket -- I know you didn't seem to think this was economically viable, but a o/w usually costs as much or more than a return. Make sure that it's a ticket that allows for changes. At the worst you'd have to pay 250 bucks to change the date to later or earlier (although airlines are making it more difficult to change tix so you'd really have to make sure before buying that it was a changeable ticket).

3000 bucks is not a lot -- if you can save more better (even another 1k). It sounds like you'd be happiest if you had the opportunity to explore Argentina outside of CF -- and being the 8th largest country in the world, travel times and expenses can add up quickly. I think rather than looking at a trip here as a be-all-end-all I-have-to-survive trip, why not just look at it as an adventure like most other 24 year olds? You'd have a lot of fun backpacking around, meeting other young people and being able to communicate in English while you learn more Spanish. You'd also get to see more of the country than will pretty much ever be possible once you sign onto a lease somewhere (believe me, I've been here for ages and a lot of travelling comes to an end once you're trying to meet your rent every month and buses / flights consume far more of your budget than you'd ever expect.)

I think you'd have a fantastic time if you look at it as an exploratory adventure in your life rather than the final chapter in your decision as to where to live. You're young, you're better off coming for adventure and then maybe having to go back to the USA to reevaluate and earn some more $$. It doesn't sound like you've explored too much of the world yet, there's a lot out there and I think once you start to experience it, it will help you shape your own theories regarding the USA.
Dont listen to anybody!... Argentina has a strong economy! growing up again. we're not a super power like before almost '50, but we are in the half way take it for sure, aint gonna be easy but sure we can do it. somewhere back someone talked about dependence on China continuing to buy up all our soy. Letme tell you thats another american ignorant, they think that cuz are living in a country for a few years, they know everything. Let me tellyou that china its the future super power on this world and the only one who can makes shadows to the us if the things keep going ahead like currently. So... i think it is importan to any country even the US keep the deals with China, and it doesnt a small matter.
Anyway, we have the economy in his all fields going slowly ahead again and with tought steps... thats the definition of "strong economy", maby the word that had be used was "solid". I know we're not strong yet, but we're standing up little by little.
Goshinki, I think you have been misinformed by the websites you read. It's not that everything they say is a lie. But they do omit a lot of stuff and add a few half-truths and outdated information.

When I compared you to Casey Serin, I did not mean that as a compliment, btw.
Rad said:
Goshinki, I think you have been misinformed by the websites you read. It's not that everything they say is a lie. But they do omit a lot of stuff and add a few half-truths and outdated information.

When I compared you to Casey Serin, I did not mean that as a compliment, btw.

This is obviously somebody pulling our collective legs. The sites he lists are ridiculous. One he calls out more than once is quote "If that's not enough, there's a video at http://www.endofamerica38.com that proves the US dollar is about to be worthless". He doesn't say its possible but that its proof that its going to happen, huh sounds a little doubtful. A quick web search of Porter Stansberry the author of this nonsense shows the gentleman was convicted of securities fraud just a few years ago, so much for the extensive research of the O.P. This whole thread cannot be taken seriously. If for some chance I am wrong and this is real person then he should be advised to resume taking his medications.
He should hook up with Cabrera when he gets here, thats if she would switch "teams" for the hamburgler
syngirl said:
I think you'd have a fantastic time if you look at it as an exploratory adventure in your life

And I couldn't agree more. That's the attitude I've tried to have from the start. I was looking forward to backpacking the gorgeous scenary.

I came onto this forum to learn more beyond the opinions of one site, in fact, I was referred here by it and that's exactly what I've done. So thank you very much to those that were interested in my story and gave me a leg up! You guys know who you are and it means an awful lot to me. I am still convinced that Argentina is a great place for survival, but I probably just can not get there as a matter of practicality. If I go to Canada instead I can keep my car and belongings, travel for less, gain easier residency, I won't have to learn a new language (though I may for fun) plus I have a friend up there. Canada won't be safe either if the world calamity reaches a full-blown state, but if I go far enough north I can at very least buy some time.

I've not discounted Argentina just yet but if I decide I need more help I know which individuals here are genuine about assisting people in my position. I think I've received the details I was after, along with a much needed dose of actuality. I mean, that's not to say I didn't already know it was going to be difficult. For now, I am signing off. Good luck out there.

One final thought...

hannstew said:
gouchobob said:
This is obviously somebody pulling our collective legs.... he should be advised to resume taking his medications.
Rad said:
When I compared you to Casey Serin, I did not mean that as a compliment, btw.
Guillo said:
What, no Nostradamus quotes? No references to the Mayans?
It cannot be true.

I'm fleeing my god damned homeland, do any of you understand that? Let me state it again if it's not clear enough... Whether you agree or not I'm abandoning my homeland out of fear of my oppressive, police-state government. Our rights are all being violated now, and in the future my friends and family are all going to be dragged to concentration camps and killed, but as long as you all had a good laugh! Feel good about yourselves? Well it should be you in the camps, you don't deserve to live in Argentina. Obviously there's no shortage of disrepectful losers in Argentina, as anywhere else in the world.
I would "advise" you individuals to go back to trolling x-box live and leave the serious discussion of immigration to the adults, as most of you don't seem to be able to make cogent arguments anyway. I hope the helpful veterans here have made note of your disrespectful, insensitive and insulting behavior.
I am with Bob- this is a troll, and not even a very creative one. This particular meme, the FEMA concentration camp, besides being complete baloney and unprovable on any level, is OLD- real conspiracy theorists in the USA dropped this one as passe several years ago.

Obviously, the rapture/ world ending theory didnt work out so well, either.

Current state of the art conspiracy thinking in the USA is all focused on a hybrid of deficit spending causing the dollar to fall, and medicare causing us to go broke. The solution being, of course, zero taxes. That will magically cause universal gun ownership, ten thousand dollar an ounce gold, and huge government revenues.
The police state stuff is completely out of date and not au courant at all.

However, in the incredibly slim possibility that this is not just a shill for that $29 a month website that tells you how to save yourself from non-existent crises- kid, why in the world would you want to move to a country that actually DID build concentration camps, and "disappear" 30,000 plus of its citizens, if what you are trying to flee is concentration camps and a police state?
(and my kids are jewish, and I know people who had family members who actually WERE dragged off to camps- I dont take that threat lightly, when its real- which it isnt in most of the USA)

If you want to survive the upcoming end of civilisation, I would suggest you learn some real skills. Blogging wont survive more than five minutes after the power goes off.

Connecticut has some pretty decent trade schools, state run and cheap. Learn to be a machinist- real stuff will need to be fixed after there is no Walmart. Minor in welding, with some blacksmithing thrown in. Learn gunsmithing, including reloading shells at home. Small engine mechanics as well. Learn to grow food- not just in theory, but in reality- that means planting gardens, and then putting up the food. Learn drying food, canning, how to get your apples and potatos and garlic and onions to overwinter. Can you butcher small game? Make a knife from scrap metal?

(by the way, I can, and do, almost all of this stuff regularly- I am not just blowing smoke here- but I dont do it because I believe the world is gonna end, I do it because I truly enjoy most of it, and the food tastes a lot better)

Buying land that is above a hundred feet above sea level, in a temperate zone that wont turn to desert would be a good hedge against sea level rise and desertification, both a lot more real and observable trends than your mythical police state.

Personally, I love Argentina, and am not discouraging you from moving- but you need to do it with your eyes open to the fact that, if your imagined apocolyptic meltdown occurs, you, not speaking the language, not having relatives here, not knowing the place, and seemingly having no survival skills beyond blogging, are going to be at a severe disadvantage when the paco kids come looking for dinner...
You must have overlooked my post where I mention that I am an avid backpacker survivalist, I've been doing it for the better half of my life. Yes I can butcher game, yes I can make a fire in a wet environment, yes I can dry it into jerky, yes I can make cord from plants, yes I can make improvised tools and be resourceful with items salvaged from the environment. My initial plan was to build a bunker in the Rockies but I would eventually be found.

I simply can't agree that you think the FEMA camps or the police state doesn't exist. Especially because they're in plain view, one a short drive from my house. I ended up getting deeper into that topic than I really wanted, since I've been around the block long enough to know that it only results in ridicule. I came here to learn about expatiating to Argentina, not discuss politics and the mess of the world. That's my fault for even bringing it up. For the record, I never associated with this crazy rapture stuff, I deal with hard reality.

You say that concentration camps do exist down there and that masses of citizens "disappear", if you have some references please provide them.
Yes although this all kind of funny, you probably shouldn't joke about concentration camps etc in a country where they existed for real only a few decades ago