Recent content by Condor

  1. C

    New Zealand?

    I moved to BsAs, because of work in January 2002 - really not th most opportune time to arrive - and my family and I stayed until 2005, when the company wanted to move me back to my home country (UK): As I had no desire to go there I quit and moved to NZ. We started our residency application...
  2. C

    Looking Back...

    Speaking for myself, Zissou said exactly what I would have said. I had lived just over 8 years in S America (Chile & Argentina) when I quit my job and left here for New Zealand in 2005. NZ is a lovely country, all very organised and clean but despite the good job I had, I ended up leaving...
  3. C

    Quilmes Craft Beer Festival

    Went to the first session of the Fiesta de la cerveza artesanal at Quilmes last night - the second session is tonight from, I believe, 7pm until midnight. There are about 10 different craft brewers attending or represented, most of which are from BsAs province, including: Coleman Chulebier Santa...
  4. C


    Joe Blow, Forgot to mention that the festival will be held at Balneario i.e. on the river front at Quilmes, somewhere near the junction of Cervantes and Otomendi. If coming by car you'd come off at the Quilmes turn off, go around the roundabout and back underneath the Autopista La Plata -...
  5. C


    Ptolemy - visit the internet sites of Somos Cerveceros or Logia Cervecera, from which there are links to providers of home brew ingredients. Both of these sites are craft brewery aligned.
  6. C


    The range of artesanal/craft beer has certainly improved, as has the quality, over the last few years. On the down side, the local palate/market is not that educated/developed so the majority of craft brewers tend to limit themselves to Rubia (a sort of lager), Roja (nominally a 'Scotch' ale)...
  7. C

    Change in expat attitudes?

    With the ineffective and pathetic government that is in place and which, unfortunately, is unlikely to be kicked out - as long as the little action it takes is populist - it is a wonder that the country hasn't imploded already. Sad really, this is a country that could and should be so much more.
  8. C

    carnavale in Gualeguaychu

    We "bought" tickets over the phone, but then had to make a cash deposit +10% at Banco de la Nacion! Even then you have to go to the ticket office at the Corsodromo (Gualeguaychu) to actually get your hard copy ticket. We called there at about 3pm last Saturday and there were people buying...
  9. C

    Next BA Hash Run - SATURDAY 12th Feb

    Unfortunate that - you work your social life around the hash being on Sunday, then it's changed to will have to miss this one! Is the gout affecting the leg training.....I'm assuming that the gout is caused by the arm training???
  10. C

    Pros and Cons of Living in Buenos Aires vs Other International Cities

    I moved on from BsAs back in 2005, to try my luck in NZ (Auckland and, later, Wellington). Despite NZ being physically attractive and usually appearing in different "top 10" places to visit or live, I found myself being drawn back to S America..arriving last August. I gave up a good job over...
  11. C

    Re: BAHHH Hash number 529 - Xmas Hash Dec 19th

    ........maybe it was the heat, but I'm sure I only found ONE beer stop...the second one would have been most welcome!! Great asado though!!! Many thanks to the hares.
  12. C

    Stupid question :)

    Hi John, Electric system over here uses same plugs and has same voltage in NZ and I seem to recall that you guys across the ditch use the same as NZ? I.e. plugs are two or three pin, with one vertical pin (in case of 3 pin plugs) and two angled pins. Cheers Ian
  13. C

    New to BA!

    hi Eva, There is a group of expats/argentinos that meet up for a few drinks on a Friday evening (look for the post from Liam3497 - that number bit might be wrong - sometime on Wed or Thu). The meet ups tend to be in the San Telmo area, are very welcoming and very informal. Cheers Ian
  14. C

    Shipping work sought

    JimK - I'd be very happy to meet up and have a chat over lunch! Have replied privately as well. Many thanks, Reina - My initial job search involved re-activating old contacts but as those are not bringing anything concrete forward just yet (and, ultimately, there normally has to be a vacancy...
  15. C

    BA Expat census (for fun...)

    Brit 53 Here from Jan 02 to July 05. returned Aug 10