Goes to show how much Argentina has improved. Now Rudolfo Walsh is let into the country. Back in the day they used to just gun him down in San Cristobál.
"Remember Dennis Kucinich" is an excellent point. The Democratic Party is extremely efficient and ruthless at squashing any insurgencies from its left. But when it comes to fighting the Republicans on its right they're suddenly the party of "We've Fallen and We Can't Get Up". (We wanted to close...
I just did a bank-to-bank transfer from Europe. After deducting all transfer fees (from both our bank in Europe and our bank here) the effective rate we got today was 1 EUR = 13.80 ARS. :o
Yes Sanders would be a much better match vs anyone on the repub side, but it is hard to see the following not happening:
Sanders' supporters ignore his calls to start a grassroots movement and just focus on the election.
The big money and the DNC line up behind Clinton and stab Sanders in the...
In the presidential debate, Macri used the exact same words as you Matías:
Then again, he also talked about respect for institutions, balance of power and diversity of voices, and those got tossed out the casa rosada window PDQ.
Even if we include the surrounding grounds as you say, the CCK is still 5 times larger than the LBJ library. You said the LBJ was larger, and hurled ad-hominems to boot.
Could be Purmamarca or Humahuaca?
Either way, I agree. Jujuy city itself is pretty boring, but the trip up north is gorgeous. Purmamarca=7 colours hill, and Humahuaca=quebrada. Both have excellent hiking, stunning scenery.
This is exactly the problem. The "let's just sell stuff to China and Brazil" argument is no longer valid as it was over the last decade. China has turned off the commodities vacuum cleaner. Brazil (due to its size and compounding internal issues) took the first hit, and is already deep in...