Search results

  1. N

    Usd Account

    You can get USD out of cash machines in Uruguay, but you can't in Argentina. Most of us use XOOM to get a better exchange rate than the official one. Good luck!
  2. N

    Us Postal Stamps

    Does anyone have any here that I could buy? I have to send a document with a SASE. Thanks!
  3. N

    Obgyn Clinic And Ultrasound Question

    Dr. Liliana Campos was my OB. All my ultasounds were done at CEGYR with Dr.Hamer. It does suck that everything isn't in 1 building ... BUT there are so many doctor's and labs in Barrio Norte you won't have to walk too far. Relax, enjoy this time and think positive!!!
  4. N

    Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Had this problem and it wreaked havoc for my allergies. We mixed water with "Agua Lavandina" (yellow bottle you'll find in the cleaning supply section of any supermarket) and wiped the walls down ... then followed with baking soda (bicarbanato) and water and the spots are gone. Make sure to use...
  5. N

    Halloween Parties For Little Ones?

    Any suggestions for events appropriate for babies and toddlers? Thanks!
  6. N

    Waitstaff In Bsas

    Laughed so hard
  7. N

    It's As Cold As A Witch's Tit Today...

    "It's brick!"
  8. N

    Bathroom Remodeling

    "Reglazing or refinishing" in the US involves using a spray, here's a link It takes up to 4 days and it involves a highly skilled person to do it because it uses a toxic chemical. The apartment we just bought has a great vintage tub and sink in amazing...
  9. N

    Who Likes Living In Chacarita?

    I LOVE Chacarita! Tons of interior designers/artists and architects work there, especially on the other side or Corrientes in front of the cemetery. The police actually have a training camp on jorge newbery in front of the cemetery ... I always felt safe. Transportation is great too. You can...
  10. N

    Welcome To Top House

    I guess I'm the only one that see's Argentines yell and flip out when the water boils for mate...therefore my joke isn't making sense to some.
  11. N

    Welcome To Top House

    I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how well TopHouse products work for the price. Maybe it's because you bought a kettle and they know only an English person would boil water in Argentina and it's a little revenge over the Falkland/Malvina situation;)
  12. N

    Bathroom Remodeling

    Thanks! I'll give him a call, hope he's familiar with re-glazing ceramic.
  13. N

    Bathroom Remodeling

    Anyone ever had their bathroom tiles+ fixtures reglazed here? Would love a contact name for a contractor if you did. Thanks!
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    Sweet Dog Needs A New Home!

    I'm sure there's a backstory ...hope so! Could be worse I suppose, I read this the other day and balled my eyes out...
  15. N

    To Some Marriage Is A Word; To Others A Sentence.

    Congratulations!!!!! We ended up eloping, but I think picnic weddings are fun, classy and economical! Whatever or however you two decide to have the ceremony/reception ... just make sure it's what you two want and not what everyone else wants you to do.
  16. N

    Men's Rogaine Hair Regrowth Treatment Anyone??

    I'll take ONE if you're willing to break them up ... want to try it for thicker eyebrows.
  17. N

    Usa Passport Obtaining Brazilian Tourist Visa Recently

    Camberiu is right ... it's a 10 year visa now. Not certain, but be prepared for a tough interview because of the recent discovery of the US spying program in Brasil. They have the right to ask you for bank statements and a ton of documentation. It should be quick and simple but when...
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    Electric Dehydrator

    They're a bit expensive in the US and a fortune here ... "][A:deshidratador-de-alimentos,B:0] If you have patience to tinker maybe go the DIY route
  19. N

    Questions About Spices

    The red crack juice aka Sriracha is at Casa China ... they have a smallish bottle for 50ish pesos and a larger one I think is now 70ish ... we buy the large bottle monthly ... I've even gotten my Argie father in law hooked on it too!
  20. N

    Comfrey Root?

    Have you tried "oil pulling?" Really does amazing things for your gums! If you really want comfrey you can try a great herb store on Rivadavia 2525 ... they've got a lot of interesting things.