Search results

  1. K

    Anyone running the BA marathon next week?

    So after MUCH scrambling around to get registered for the marathon (you have to get "police persmission" as a foreigner to run - WTF?) I finally got that accomplished. Now I am thinking that getting my packet might be somewhat of an ordeal, since I did NOT in fact secure police persmission and...
  2. K

    HELP! I am trying to register for the marathon & I don't speak Spanish!

    OMG THANK YOU!!!!! I was seriously getting so frustrated!!!!! The Runner's shop is very close to me. Gracias de nuevo!
  3. K

    HELP! I am trying to register for the marathon & I don't speak Spanish!

    Hola! I tried registering online and it is not accepting my registration. I know you can register at sport's stores around the city, but cannot find a listing. This is possibly due to the fact that my Spanish is very poor, however. Here is the website:
  4. K

    Female couple seeking GLBT/-friendly friends!

    Some girls are getting together at Bar Uriarte in Palermo tomorrow night that met on this forum. We've never met in person. You 2 are more than welcome to join! I think it will be around 9pm...message me if you'd like more details! :)
  5. K

    Hoping to Make Some Female Friends

    Anyone from Recoleta want to grab the bus to Palermo together next Thurs.? Not sure where Bar Uriarte is, but I'll google it. If so, private message me! :) Can't wait to meet you ladies!!!!!
  6. K

    Running in Recoleta...suggestions, please!

    Thanks guys! I will try the run you suggested "rmartin" this afternoon! I am only doing like 5 today, so it will be a shorter run. I am going to look up that route right now! :) Muchas Gracias!
  7. K

    Running in Recoleta...suggestions, please!

    Hi all...I looked through all of the old posts that have anything to do with running first, but didn't find what I was looking for. I was wondering if someone could suggest a good running route for Recoleta. I went to the Reserva Ecologica but I am looking for something a little closer...
  8. K

    Hoping to Make Some Female Friends

    I think it sounds great, too! But are we talking this thursday (as in the 17th?) or next? If any of you live in Recoleta and would like to meet for coffee or a glass of wine or something before, please message me. Would love to meet some fabulous women! :)
  9. K

    Kindle on the Ipod Touch

    I thought they were going to add a camera as well! I have a question though...can you text message from them? Or do you have to use a message service, like Skype or husband and I were thinking of not getting cell phones and just trying to text each other to keep in touch throughout...
  10. K


    Ok guys! After talking with some folks, we've decided to do it tonight at 7pm, at our place. Uruguay 856 Apt. PB 2...bring some wine and/or snacks and then we'll head out to dinner a bit later. Happy to meet you all!!!! :)
  11. K


    We could do dinner elsewhere if you guys like that idea better, no problem! Joe and I had an AMAZING steak last night at this teeny little restaurant not far from us. We could meet here for some wine or just go straight to the restaurant if you like. What do you all prefer and what time...
  12. K

    Alamo Bar today for Michigan v. Notre Dame College Football

    Dave a few of us newcomers will be there tonight, probably around 8-9pm. My name is Katie and I am about 5'4 with blonde hair...will be there with like 3 or 4 other guys. If you see us, come hang with us!
  13. K

    There´s a New Kid in Town

    Hey Nick! My husband Joe and I are new to BA as well...we are meeting a few others (expats we've never met) at the Alamo bar in Recoleta tonight if you would like to join!
  14. K

    Common courtesy in Buenos Aires

    I think some of these things just come from living abroad. While there are many wonderful, amazing things about living in another country, there are just some things that aren't going to make sense to us. You just have to try and keep in mind what American life looks like to foreigners sometimes...
  15. K

    Hoping to Make Some Female Friends

    Wow! We've got quite a group of ladies here! :) I am 30, just moved here (2 weeks ago) from Honolulu, Hawaii. I must admit I am a bit homesick for my amazing friends from Hawaii and would LOVE to meet some great new girls...perhaps we should do a dinner or evening out or something? I looked at...
  16. K


    Hey all BA newcomers...since people seem interested, would you like to meet tomorrow night? We are verrry new in town and know no one, obviously...since we have no plans. :) We could meet at a local bar or as I mentioned before, Joe and I would be happy to host a small gathering of people...
  17. K


    My husband Joe and I just recently moved here from Honolulu Hawaii - we are both 30 yrs old. What area is everyone living in? We are in Recoleta...perhaps since we're all close in age we should arrange a beer night and hang out? We would love to meet people from the states! Let me know if...
  18. K

    Running routes and help!!!!

    Thanks, all! I really appreciate that help! rmartin...let's do it! I want to start running regularly again on Monday. I am thinking an 8 or 9 miler to get back into it. I am not really fast (about a 10 minute mile) but am definitely a distance runner, however I haven't run in nearly a...
  19. K

    Running routes and help!!!!

    I just moved to Recoleta and am in need of help. I am looking for running gear (namely long-sleeved running shirts because I am not used to cold weather) and running routes in this area. I have googled myself to death and have come up with nothing (no running route ideas, no running stores)...
  20. K

    Running Buddies Wanted

    Helloooo and hola and aloha! My husband and I are arriving in BA in a few days and I also plan to run the marathon in October. We are moving from Honolulu, Hawaii and I am anxious to find running partners and/or groups to train with, as I don't know the city and the safe, good places to run...