Search results

  1. F

    Good gym in or near Congreso?

    Keltia is very nice. I live in Balvanera/Once as well, and I was deciding between Keltia, and Ateneo (Riobomba 185) I finally decided on Ateneo. It has 6 stories, a pool on the top floor with a roof that opens up, a full pilates room, a huge spinning room, a rock climbing wall, and my favorite...
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    Introducing outselves - Monica and Truls :-)

    Welcome to BA! This forum is so helpful, the archives really cover a lot of topics.
  3. F

    wages for cleaners

    I pay my cleaning lady 12 pesos per hour plus 10 for transportation (which I think is really high, but I know she lives over an hour away)
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    Russian Restaurant- Traktir

    The other day I was in a cab, and our driver was on the phone. He was speaking a very interesting language that I was pretty sure was not Portuguese. I asked him where he was from and he told me Ukraine. I asked him if there was an area where there are a lot of places to go (like the Arabic...
  5. F

    hello ( books and bike)

    No problem = ) ICANA is also another option. They are an english language library. 80 pesos a year to join.
  6. F

    Anywhere to Buy Saltwater Aquarium in BA?

    I stopped into my vets office today, and she has aquariums there but 'aquas dulces' fresh water. She had an index of all the fish stores in the city and finally found one that has 'acuario marino' salt water tanks. They are called Acuario Marino and are in Belgrano on Monroe 2565. I would...
  7. F

    digital/photo printers recommendations?

    I am so sorry, I got the address, and totally forgot to come back here and tell you! The address is J. E. Uriburu 637 They are called Grafica Cero. 4954 2280
  8. F

    What do you like here in BA?

    They call shovel workers here 'ñoquis' like the pasta. Also the reason that Argentines eat ñoquis on the 29th of the month is because that is when the ñoquis get their paycheck = ) I am a former NY'er myself (although of the B+T variety) What do I love about this city? I love that I can wake...
  9. F

    Planning BA Trip--Help Please

    Hey Jb5, My favorite city/town that I have been to in South America was in Chile about 1-2 hours away from Santiago. It is called Valparaiso, and it was full of art, culture and beauty. I am a massage therapist here in BA. I was trained in the US. I have a studio where I practice massage...
  10. F

    Renewing my visa tomorrow.

    I think this thread has all the recent pertinent information. Good luck.
  11. F

    Tips on extending Tourist Visa

    Great tips markbsas, thanks for sharing. I went to renew my visa today, and the only thing I would add to your description is that you have to enter the 'garage' to get to building 6. Also, never go on a Monday as all the people backed up from the weekend go.
  12. F

    hello ( books and bike)

    My favorite English Language book store in the city is in a small 'mall' on the corner of Santa Fe, and Pueyrredon. You go down the stairs from the Santa Fe entrance and there it is. You can just see a little sign from the street that says Libros Ingles/Calstllano.
  13. F

    digital/photo printers recommendations?

    There is a place on Uriburu between Tucuman and Viamonte. They have a variety of printers, and papers. The guy does my business cards, but he also does large color photos. It is just one block from the Facultad de Medicina stop on the D line, and 4 from the Pasteur stop on the B line, so it...
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    Teatro Colon and insane ticket prices

    An Argentine friend of mine told me that they skimped on the budget, and did not have an acoustics specialist help with the renovations for the theater.
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    I have a Sony e-reader, and a friend of mine has a kindle so it is easy for me to compare them. I really like the SONY one better. It has an external drive allowing a lot more freedom. It was also cheaper than the Kindle. The only thing that I liked better about the Kindle is that the...
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    Under-wire Rant

    I stock up on a lot of things (too many things!) every time I go home. I am trying to break myself of this addiction, and this was one step towards that process. I like the items they have in Caro Cuore but they are also very expensive. I guess you get what you pay for = )
  17. F

    Baking Ingredients

    There are a bunch of stores that sell cake making supplies. Even some party stores have a section for it, and there you can find chocolate chips, artsy sugar molded cake toppers ect. They also have molds, and a lot of tools to make decorative cakes and such.
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    Under-wire Rant

    I have purchased 5 bras here. The first one I hunted down a Maidenform Bra, and paid over 150 pesos almost 2 years ago. I realized that that was just way too expensive, so since then I have purchased 4 Argentine brand bras that ranged from 30-70 pesos and seemed to be good quality. Since then...
  19. F

    Pinball, sports games, and beer = )

    Hey guys, I went to this bar in Palermo that I thought some of you may like. They have a nice outside patio area and a few stories with a few bars. They also have a pinball machine that you can play. The food is good, and they occasionally have a 35 peso all you can eat during the week. The...
  20. F

    Greetings from Virginia, USA

    There is also an office at Av. Antartida Argentina 1355 where you can renew your visa once before having to leave the country again. It takes a while, and they are open from 7:30-2 so it is best to get there early.